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Chapter Eighteen

Fuller clears off Bronn's desk to lay down a large piece of paper before taking a step back, looking proud of himself. Bronn, Kaelan and I step forward to look at the paper. This is it. This is what we needed.

I look back at Fuller, with Gordon a few feet behind him.

"Thank you," I say, giving them a nod.

Fuller smirks. "It was surprisingly easy, actually. All I had to do was get myself sent to Mr. Vogs office--which, for me, isn't hard--and they even just left me alone in there! With a little bit of snooping, it's like the floor plans were just handed to me!"

Now we have the floor plans for Tirian Vogs' mansion.

Gordon steps forward and takes a look at the paper. After a moment, he points towards one of the larger rooms.

"It's in there," he states.

Bronn, Kaelan and I share a quick second of eye contact.

"That's all we need from you two," Bronn says to them, giving them a nod. "Thank you."

Fuller and Gordon glance between each other, and I can see the emotions through their faces. It makes me clench my jaw. Maybe we shouldn't have told them. It's dangerous.

"Can't we help any more?" Fuller asks, his voice more hesitant than I have ever heard it before.

I shake my head.

"No," I say firmly. "This is something we have to do alone."

I see their emotions through their eyes. A mix of fear: they know this is dangerous; a mix of want: they want to help, but they can't; and a mix of worry, for us. I offer them my best smile.

"Thank you, for all you two have done."

With one last look, they nod and exit the study, leaving the rest of us to get to planning.

Just a day later, it's time.

We didn't have much time to wait before we had to act, as we didn't have a way of getting the floor plans back inside Tirians office, meaning that they would soon be revealed as missing. It was suggested we send Fuller again, but I refused.

When we received the floor plans, we had stayed up all night to the point all three of us were falling asleep in classes the next day. Bronn was much better at playing it off, saying he had a lot of practice from long nights of grading papers. Fuller teased Kaelan and I for it, but I could still see the remnant of worry in his eyes from the night before.

After resting well last night, we're ready. We have a plan.

I sit in class currently, my leg bouncing from my anxiety. My jaw and fists clench to the point I'm worried I might break my pencil. Tonight is a very big night. Very dangerous. Risky.

I'm just hoping that we thought of everything, and that it all goes according to plan.

When lights out rolls around, part of me just wants to stay in bed and not get out. Fall asleep.

But I know that isn't an option.

The room is dead silent as it feels like an eternity drags on. After what I think is about an hour, I begin to quietly get out of bed. As soon as I do, the three other boys in the room begin to stir as well. None of us had gotten any sleep.

We all remain silent as Kaelan and I get dressed.

"Come back safe, alright?" Fuller says stubbornly.

I can't help but chuckle a bit. "We'll try."

Gordon stays atop his bed, watching us silently. I meet his eyes. He knows that he can't do anything, and that whatever is going to happen will happen. He believes in fate. I give him a solemn nod before leaving, wondering what fate has in store tonight.

Too little time passes before we're outside Tirians mansion--Bronn, Kaelan and I.

Bronn will distract Tirian, as he can pose well enough as simply a colleague. I, using the amazing stealth I don't know why I have, will sneak in and grab the piece. Kaelan will stand guard by wherever I find an entrance, making sure that I can come back out.

I take a deep breath.

Now or never, I guess.

I can hear Bronn knock on the front door as I begin walking around the house, looking for another way in. Kaelan is not far behind me. Near the back of the house, I find a door. It's locked, but I came prepared, somehow knowing how to unlock it.

Kaelan gives me a nod before I slide in through the door, taking one last look at him before the door closes behind me.

The mansion is about exactly what I would expect. The typical Soreli architecture, though much more grand than anything else in the city. I walk quietly through the halls that I had memorized on the floor plans.

Right about now, Bronn should be chatting Tirian up a storm still near the front door.

Finally, I found the room Gordon had pointed to on the floor plans. He had come here months ago because his parents were acquaintances with Tirian, for a party. He specifically remembered finding this odd, golden slab in the center of the mantle in the grand living room.

It truly is grand. Beautiful carpet, golden accents, towering bookshelves and artwork covering the walls.

But the first thing I notice is the puzzle piece.

Just like Gordon had said, it's in the direct center of the mantle.

Quickly, I go up to the mantle. There's little indents around the piece, as it can never truly become a part of something else. It is its own thing, always. I stick my fingers into the spaces, and the piece comes out surprisingly easy. I tuck it into my cloak and make for the door I came in from.

I freeze when I hear shouting from the other side of the door.


No. No. I have to get this puzzle piece out of here. I can't worry about Kaelan right now.

I look around the hallway I'm in, trying to recall the floor plans. Unless I want to climb out a window, the only other exit is the front door. But Bronn should be stalling Tirian from there right now.

Actually, I guess not, as I hear Bronn's voice getting louder and closer. I hide myself in a shadow around a corner, hoping that they won't see me.

"Mr. Vogs, you think someone's here?" Bronn asks, feigning innocence, but he's also talking loud enough for me to hear.

I glance into the living room, and when I see Tirian inspecting the mantle, I take the chance to make a dash for the front door.

I don't know how, but I make it, and I break out into a run towards the zoo.

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