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Chapter Nineteen

My heart pounds as I run down the dark stairs, almost falling multiple times due to my speed. I pant heavily, my throat and my eyes burning. Hundreds of thoughts race through my head as the dark stairwell feels endless. Bronn, Kaelan . . .

When I finally reach the room, I fall to my knees. The piece flies from under my cloak and lands a foot or two in front of me.

I clench my fists.

Forcing myself to my feet, I pick up the piece and stagger over to the table. I slide the piece into the puzzle, and as soon as it's in the right spot, a bright golden light glows from its sides before it fuses with the other pieces. I run my fingers over the now smooth golden block, and a tear runs down my face.

Footsteps sound from the stairwell, and I quickly grab my daggers, ready to defend the puzzle at all costs in the case that Tirian had somehow followed me down here.

I sigh a breath of relief and relax as I see Bronn and Kaelan coming down the stairs, but then it feels like a hand reaches into my chest and squeezes my heart.

Kaelan is bleeding. Heavily.

I rush over as Bronn helps Kaelan sit down, propped up against one of the walls. My hands cup his face. He looks so pale...

"What happened?" I ask, my voice threatening to break at any moment.

"A guard..." Kaelan says weakly. "A guard found me."

He looks up at me with a small smile.

"I gave them a hell of a fight, though."

A cry of a laugh escapes my chest as tears begin to rush down my face.

This can't be happening.

Suddenly, flashes of memories begin to come back to me.

In a tent, I sat beside a girl with long brown hair and in front of us lay a similar looking boy. The girl props up a book for me to look inside. It shows a diagram of the human body.

"The first things I ever learned to heal were external injuries," the girl begins. "Internal injuries are much more difficult. But, for example, let's look at a cut."

The girl draws a knife and takes the hand of the boy.

"Why did I agree to this?" he groans.

"Sams needs to learn healing somehow," the girl remarks.

The boy seethes in pain as the girl cuts the palm of his hand with the knife. She then directs my hands to cup his.

"Close your eyes, and breathe," the girl instructs. "Healing Magic is all about flow and connection. You need to connect with your Magic and connect with the one you are trying to heal. Then, you have to let the Magic flow from your body to theirs. Just like with any Magic, you also need focus and intention. You need to focus on the wound and command the Magic to do what you want it to do. In this case, heal the cut."

I look at Kaelan.

"Lay down," I instruct.

He gives me a questioning look, but he obeys, and I help him lay down on the floor.

I have to clench my jaw to keep myself from crying out as I see the amount of blood. He has a gash on his side. He needs to see a doctor immediately, but hopefully I can help him hold on for right now.

Listening to what the girl had said, I placed my hand on Kaelans' side. He groans in pain. I close my eyes and begin to breathe deeply, channeling my Magic like Bronn has taught me. I demand it to help Kaelan. I begged. Then, I let it flow from my body, through my hand, and to Kaelan.

When I open my eyes again, the bleeding has stopped significantly.

"Stay as still as possible," I tell him after I help him sit back up again. "As soon as we're done here, we're taking you to a doctor or a professional healer."

Bronn bends down beside us with a reassuring smile.

"I know a healer not too far from here. She can help."

Kaelan smiles weakly and nods.

Bronn and I stand back up.

"I... have something to confess," Bronn states.

"What is it?" I ask.

Slowly, he reaches into his coat and pulls out something golden. I quickly recognized it.

"The last puzzle piece..." I whisper.

He nods.

"Yes. I've held onto it for decades now. Keeping it safe. I... I honestly never thought I'd bring it back here, as all the pieces together leave the artifact at risk of being stolen, but after you arrived, Sams..."

He smiles down at me.

His hand reaches out, and I take the puzzle piece.

"Would you like to do the honors?"

Breathless, I nod.

The sides of the piece glow as they come near the only empty spot of the puzzle left, before shining brightly and fusing.

The puzzle is finally complete.

Something whirs from inside the stone table, and a section of stone on the side moves back to reveal a bright white and gold glow. I reach in to pull out what has to be the artifact, but suddenly, I hear heavy footsteps and a yell.

I look up to see Tirian Vogs coming at me with a sword.

Dark Clouds (NaNoWriMo 2022)Where stories live. Discover now