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Chapter Two

The scenery hasn't changed much yet. Sometimes, when I wake up, I forget that I'm not in the forest at home, camping during a hunt. Then I remember. Chann and I keep moving.

I'm starting to wish that I had bought a map of Petroch before I left, or at least of this specific area. All I know is to head west, and hopefully I'll eventually find a trail and get directions towards the capital.

Chann and I have been hunting for our food and sleeping together at night to stay warm in the spring weather. All we have is my bow and arrows, a small pack filled with clothes, my knives, some coins, a canteen, and the chest. My tribe lived off the land, and occasionally I would go hunting with the Teka. We would camp out for days, so I do have some experience.

The A'Nuki people don't have gender the same way others do. We have three: Hoka, Teka, and Sukan. The Hoka cook, clean, sew, repair, and take care of things around the village. The Teka hunt, create, fight, care for the wolf-dogs, and chop the firewood. The Sukan are special; rare. They assist in childbirth when possible, (to be clear, Aunt was not a Sukan, but her mother was, and Mother wanted her to deliver me,) raising the children, and teaching the young (human and wolf-dog alike) the history of their kind.

I am Sukan, which makes me pause.

That gender doesn't exist here in Petroch, and neither does the A'Nuki people, and since I illegally crossed the border, I will have to hide anything that could give me away. I will have to hide my A'Nuki symbols and choose a gender to disguise myself as.

I have rough, tanned skin, as do all of my people, bronze eyes, and long brown hair with a single braid. My arms are covered in tribal tattoos given to the Sukan, and I have the traditional Sukan facial markings.

The single braids in our hair symbolize togetherness in the world, but it could single me out as A'Nuki. I will have to wash off the facial markings. As for my tattoos, I can only cover them with my clothing, which isn't a problem for the moment, but once the summer heat comes . . . I will have to figure something out.

When we come upon a small stream, I kneel down beside it. Chann takes a seat a few feet behind me, watching quietly. He also has a small braid in his fur, on his neck.

Looking at my distorted reflection, I take a deep breath.

I cup the cold water in my hands and begin to wash my face, letting the markings wash away. Once I'm sure it's all gone, I take my braid in my hands. I suppose that I have abandoned my people . . . perhaps I am not worthy of my braid.

With a deep breath

I begin to take it out.

The feeling of my hair without my braid is odd. I don't like it. Looking at Chann, he seems to feel the same as he scratches at his neck.

When walking through the forest, Chann suddenly barks and runs ahead.

"Chann!" I yell, running after him.

I soon hear the shouts of other people and the bellowing of some horses. the forest abruptly opens up to a small gravel path, and a little ways up I see two figures trying to calm down maybe a dozen horses. Then I see Chann running around them, which is what spooked them.

"Chann!" I yell again. "Come here! Now!"

I run closer, and eventually Chann returns to me. Grabbing onto his scruff, I grumble swears at him and make sure he isn't hurt. We don't have horses in our village, but I have been on a few trips into the capital and seen some. Chann has never been very fond.

"I am so, so sorry," I begin to apologize, looking at the two with the horses once they calm down a bit more. I'm a little surprised to see that they're maybe fifteen or sixteen--around my age. They don't seem to hear me, so I command Chann to stay where he is, and I walk closer.

"I am so unbelievably sorry," I apologize again. Now, they both turn to me. One is female, the other male.

"That's your... pet?" the girl asks.

"I thought we were about to get murdered by a wolf!" the boy exclaims, though the girl quickly shushes him. I assume as to not rile up the horses again.

"He's a wolf-dog," I explained. "My apologies, again, for spooking your horses."

The two look at each other. Their features are incredibly similar. Perhaps they are siblings.

"It's alright," the boy says with a smile. "Where did you come from, anyway?"

I think quickly.

"I was hunting- in the woods. I didn't realize how close I was to a trail."

The boy steps towards me and holds out his hand.

"My name's Evandor, but everyone calls me Evan," he greets.

I shake his hand, though the action feels foreign. My people do not do this, but I have witnessed people in the capital do so. I'm a little surprised to feel Magic coming from him. It's less than mine, but still noticeable. My Magic is concealed from others, even those with magic (I hope), as always.

"Samsin-" I stop myself. I offer a smile. "Everyone calls me Sams."

The girl steps forwards, though she doesn't hold out her hand.

"Aella," she says shortly with a nod. I nod back.

"Where are you heading?" Evan asks.

"The capital," I reply honestly. "I'm uh . . . looking for some work there."

"Hey!" Evan exclaims. "We're heading towards the capital, too, though we're just taking these beauties halfway," he explains, motioning towards the horses.

"Ah," I say.

Evan looks me up and down, then smiles.

"Would you like to travel with us?"

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