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Chapter Seventeen

The past few weeks have been... interesting, to say the least.

Bronn told us that Tirian Vogs is not just a benefactor of both the zoo and the school, but the Underground King and the biggest threat to their secret. He has Magic and found out about the artifact, somehow, though it's unclear just how much he knows about it. He believes that he can harness its power to make himself and his Magic stronger.

Tirian has been around the school more now that he knows about Kaelan and I. It frustrates me that he just *can* and no one but me, Kaelan, and Bronn know what's going on. Even worse, we can't tell anyone. I can't answer Fuller and Gordons questions about why I don't like Mr. Vogs.

I've begun carrying my daggers on me around school because I've been so on edge. I hide it well.

Kaelan is the only one who can tell.

We've also found two more puzzle pieces. They were hidden in plain sight, somehow. One was a part of a statue at the zoo, the other in the school. Bronn still curses himself for not noticing either one sooner.

Bronn was there this time as we added both of the puzzle pieces. It's finally starting to come together.

Now there's two puzzle pieces left.

It's dinner time one day, and as I'm leaving the mess hall, something gets shoved in my face.

It quickly falls away and I hear laughter. Specifically, Fullers laugh.

Wiping what seems to be cream out of my eyes, I look to see Fuller bent over laughing in front of me, and on the floor is a pie. Everyone in the mess hall saw and they're all giggling.

"Fuller," I say in a low voice.

He quickly stops laughing as he remembers who he just pied in the face.

"I'll give you a head start," I tell him with a smile.

He immediately starts running.

Kaelan walks out of the bathroom with a wet towel, chuckling again when he sees me. I still have whipped cream all over my face and even in my hair. I scowl at him.

"Stop laughing," I demand.

He walks over and sits next to me on my bed.

"I'm not laughing," he argues, but I can see the smile tugging at his lips.

"Yes you are!"

"Am not. Anyway, let's get you cleaned up, okay?"

I let out a huff and nod.

Kaelan gently places his hand on my neck as he begins wiping the whipped cream off of my face with the damp towel.

The feelings I've been pushing away come back again. The warm cheeks, the feeling in my chest. My heartbeat quickens as my breath becomes trapped in my throat. His hands are calloused, as he spends quite a bit of his free time practicing fencing and sword fighting, hoping to be a knight one day. But they're warm and comforting.

"It's okay," Kaelan tells me softly.

I let out a deep breath, letting my walls finally come down. His hand moves to my cheek, now clear of whipped cream, and I let myself rest my face in his hand.

His eyes meet mine. My gods, they're so blue.

Then, his eyes move downwards, towards my lips. He begins to lean in...

And wipes some whipped cream off of my chin.

"We need to find the next puzzle piece," I state.

Bronn, Kaelan, and I sit in Bronn's office, discussing our next moves.

"Well, how have we found the others?" Bronn asks.

"The first one was already there," Kaelan begins. "The second one just kind of... appeared, and the third and fourth were hidden in plain sight at important places."

I sit there quietly. There's an uneasiness in my chest, making me bring my hand to the crystal.

"I don't feel like the next one is going to be as easy."

Bronn has begun helping Kaelan and I sneak out at night, which makes it a lot easier. Still, that doesn't help us avoid our roommates.

As we walk back into our room, Fuller and Gordon are both there, waiting for us.

"Where were you guys?" Fuller asks, louder than he should.

"Shush up!" I whisper-yell at him. I glance at Kaelan. "Follow us," I tell the two.

We head to Bronn's office and find him inside. He looks curiously at the two other boys.

"Hello," he says tentatively, looking at me specifically.

"They caught us sneaking back in," I state. Looking at Fuller and Gordon, they seem extremely confused. I look back at Bronn. "I... I feel like we should tell them."

Bronn raises an eyebrow at me before looking back at the other two.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

I nod.

"Well then, boys. You two take a seat," Bronn says, motioning towards Fuller and Gordon. Kaelan and I continue to stand.

Bronn explains the situation to them, vaguely. Neither of them have Magic, so it's a bit harder for them to understand this indescribable connection that the three of us are experiencing. Bronn tells them of the golden puzzle, the room, and the artifact, but he refuses to tell them where it is, which, I agree with. Knowing is dangerous.

Fuller, being the class clown that he is, is very animated in his surprise and asks many questions, many of which Bronn cannot answer. Gordon, on the other hand, tends to be very quiet, and he remains stoic during the conversation.

After Bronn has done all the explaining he can do, and Fuller is out of questions, Gordon finally speaks up.

"So... you're saying that there's this golden puzzle that, when completed, will release an ancient artifact crafted by Aps himself?" he asks.

Bronn nods. "Yes."

"You said it's made up of six golden puzzle pieces, about..." he motions with his hands a roughly 6 inch by 6 inch square, "that big?"

Bronn raises his eyebrow and leans closer.

Gordon swallows harshly before stating, very matter-of-factly,

"Mr. Vogs has one of the pieces."

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