Chapter Eight: Kidnapped Again

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"You know when you and Nat revealed Hydra you also reveal undercover SHIELD agents. One which was Clint's family," Lydia says as Steve and Nat look wide-eyed as does Clint.

"My dad and I are the ones who saved them. Five minutes before they were almost attacked. We did not any of you," Lydia says as she walks closer to Steve angrily.

"You cause destruction that's it. Everyone else has to pick up the pieces afterward," Lydia tells him as she starts poking his chest angrily.

"I mean don't you remember? You almost killed Peter," Lydia says pointing toward Peter but still glaring at Steve.

"And you almost killed me. All because you couldn't listen," Lydia tells him angrily.

"You call yourself moral. A solider. I see nothing like that. I see a coward who just did one thing right in his life. You run when things get hard. You always have. You don't want to take responsibility and you don't know how to make the hard decisions," Lydia says as everyone looks at her wide-eyed but Tony and Loki were smirking.

"Because you always have to be right. Your ego is bigger than anything else," Lydia tells him as she looks Steve in the eyes.

"Maybe the problem is you, Steve. Did you ever think about that?" Lydia asks him angrily as Steve just looks at her not knowing what to say.

"That's what I thought. Everything that happened. The whole Civil War was because of you Steve," Lydia tells him as Steve looks down.

"You didn't want to sign the accords after you messed everything up. I told you Wanda wasn't ready for her first mission. You said she would be fine," Lydia tells Steve as Wanda looks at the two in shock.

"You lied and kept the truth of what happened to my grandparents from my dad. How would you like to find out how your parents died was a lie?" Lydia asks Steve with an eyebrow raised.

"You left my father for dead. Do you know what it was like coming out of a coma only to find your father several beaten due to you? If he still had his arc reactor you would have killed him," Lydia tells Steve who looks down in regret as many look at him wide-eyed. Bucky looks down at that knowing it was his fault.

"Maybe the problem is you? Maybe the monster is you Steve? Because if everyone knew what you really are under that field that my grandfather made for you and that uniform you wouldn't be anyone's hero," Lydia tells him angrily.

"Think about that next time you want to judge someone because I'm telling you, Steve you won't like what I do next," Lydia warns him before going to sit back down beside her dad.

No one says anything as they look between the two wide-eyed having no words. Lydia nods at Strange who begins to play the movie again.

Tony kisses Lydia's head who smiles at softly holding him tightly to her.

"Dad. Dad. Daddy! DADDY!" Lydia yells louder each time till everyone stops fighting and looks at her.

"Who is she?" Steve asks confused seeing the little girl.

"Lydia, what is it?" Tony asks looking at his daughter annoyed as Lydia rolls her eyes.

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