Ophis: You are against the Khaos Brigade...

Y/N: I'm against any villains in this story, however, is it easy to hate a terrorist group that wants world domination, not even to have a less clichéd goal?

Ophis: Cliché...?

The doubtful tone showed very well that she had no idea what that word would be, Y/N laughed a little and put his hand on her head.

Y/N: Stay there, I'll tell you a story...











Issei: What do you mean we can't go back to the human world anymore?!

Azazel scratched his ear after the scream, an obvious look of discomfort as he tried to calm the high-pitched buzzing that was bothering his eardrums.

Azazel: After the meeting, and the information gained from Y/N about the human world, the maou came to the conclusion that the human world is too dangerous for you to stay. Fortunately, the decision was made during the summer break so you can pray that any risk is resolved before the end of the break, that way you won't feel a thing.

With the discovery of the rings in the sky, the attack of the hollows, the Khaos Brigade, among many other groups that may be trying to destroy the peace treaty. A quick decision was made among the maou for the devils that were in the human world to return indefinitely.

As much as they used nice words to try to hide the fact, the situation looked more like an evacuation for war. Of course, everyone there understood that.

Azazel: Besides, I was tasked with helping you by training to get stronger. Something very strange is coming and everyone better be at least a little prepared.

Rias: Wait. YOU, were in charge of training us?

The indignant and less than the happy tone in Rias was quite obvious, however much the peace treaty has gone through, Rias' aggressive passivity does not extend to the horizon of the "incomprehensible", members of her Peerage have a bad past with fallen angels, and right now the leader of them all wants to take care of the group like a responsible teacher.

Quotes at responsible.

Azazel just smiled like the carefree he is his shoulders swaying in a way that showed how much he just doesn't care.

Azazel: Are you really going to turn me down after I've already done all the planning for your training? How cruel, the crimson princess really is a devil in person.

Honestly, it's hard to maintain your dignity and composure when the person you're dealing with is just that slovenly, even a princess ends up having some immature reaction, like Rias who at this moment is pouting, a slightly angry expression, and her cheeks are red.

Koneko, however, was the first to leave, sneaking out of the situation.

Azazel: I need to say though, your training doesn't start now. As urgent as the situation is, we need Y/N close at hand, he knows each of you from afar and is smart enough to teach you properly.

Of course, Azazel was hiding something, his face alone gives away the feeling of someone who constantly has an evil plan in mind. But persisting is a dead end, they won't get anything out of this attempt.

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