Azariah leaned forward and set her chin to rest on her hand. "The meeting is in 8 months. Will you be attending?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" He replied back.

Azariha glanced toward the door to the exit. "You have a student now." She stated.

Svalken raised an eyebrow. "And?"

Azariha glanced back at Svalken and chuckled lightly, as if remembering an old joke. "Oh, well I just find it a bit surprising is all." She exclaimed. "I just didn't think you'd gotten another one so soon."

Svalken glared into Azariha's eyes, flickers of silver sparks seemingly emanating from behind his eyes.

Azariha smiled, although she leaned backwards slightly. "Do you know what I've noticed about you, Svalken?" She asked.

Svalken just glared at her before rolling his hand, motioning for her to continue.

"You don't like talking to people." She stated.
Svalken uncrossed his arms and picked up his fork, beginning to pick at his food. "Wonderful observation." He mumbled sarcastically.

Azariha stood up. "You're always so enthusiastic." She replied with the same tone of sarcasm. She turned away and began walking towards the exit. Then she stopped and turned back to Svalken. "Oh, and by the way, you may want to look through the forests a bit. I've heard some gnolls gathering on my way over here." She stated.

"Then kill them." Svalken stated.

Azariha chucked, making Svalken resist the urge to throw his fork into her eye. "I've told you before, I'm not one for fighting. Then again, you don't pay attention to anyone but yourself." She said before exiting the tavern.

Azariha had been right, about the gnoll problem apparently. Several hours of killing time later, Svalken had been in the market district when he came upon the first sign of death. At first Svalken hadn't known why civilians were running away screaming. Then he saw what he first thought was a large dog maul someone to death. Then he saw silver flames rise from the mauled corpse.
The gnoll had tried to lunge at him, however it didn't get very far until Svalken waved his hand and its head splattered into paste. As Svalken put his arm down he retracted the chain that melded into his skin. At the end of the chain hung a large cylindrical weight made out of some strange black metal that Svalken had never cared to investigate. The weight now dripped with chips of bone and bright red blood.

Svalken stepped forward and reached out toward the flaming soul of the gnoll as flames began to rise from under its fur. The silver flames licked at his palm before being sucked into his skin. For a brief moment, his palm felt warm, as if he was holding it over a small candle. But the warmth faded just as quick as it had arrived; they never lasted long.

Then, Svalken heard hurried footsteps from behind him. He turned and flung his arm. The metal weight of the chain collided with the skull of a gnoll as it lunged forward to bite him. The gnoll's corpse then fell to the ground as the top half of its head had been blown apart.
Svalken walked forward, toward the screams and fleeing citizens. He swung his chain lightly at his side like a pendulum. It'd been a while since he'd killed something. Maybe sticking around for a moment longer wouldn't hurt.

Darris cut down one gnoll, then another, and another. He'd killed nearly five since they had begun their massacre of Vanderin. Gregory, who had been close by, aiding him in killing the intruders had left him. The last Darris saw he had shouted something illegible to him before bolting off into the center of the town. Darris cursed under his breath at Gregory as he ducked beneath the ax swing of a gnoll before cutting it across the chest twice and absorbing its soul that arose a moment later. Nonetheless, it meant he didn't need to hide himself anymore. The illusion around his body had faded. Now looking indistinguishable to the many corpses of the civilians that now littered the streets.

Grim Ruination, Birth of a Soul (On Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora