"Silly me.How could i forget that being tired makes you grumpy"

"Well someone gave me a deadline"

"I really don't want to wait anymore Jungkook.Please try to understand that.I have waited for eight years and i can't wait a day any more"

"Well it's not like I'm going to run away or someone is going to kidnap me.In a matter of a few months i will be ugly and fat"

"You won't be ugly and fat.Speaking of which how is my baby"

"Your baby?I don't remember you making this thing on your own.If this is only your baby then tell me why it's not in your tummy right now?"

"I'm sorry.I misspoke"

"I know i wasn't on board with this pregnancy from the start but things have changed.I'm a changed person and it makes me feel bad when you talk as if i don't want the baby.I'm not that person anymore.I was wrong and i wish you would forgive me so we can get over this and move forward"

"Baby i didn't to upset you.I'm sorry.It was only a joke"

"How can i know that you were real joking"

"Am i already dealing with hormones already?"

"What do you expect.Aren't you the one who got me pregnant.As a doctor you should have known better"

"I know and I'm sorry for not being careful"

"Taehyung let's get one thing straight"


"Im only ever going to get pregnant twice.Okay"

"Really?I'm glad.I was holding my breath thinking that you were only going to say once"

"Why?Our child would need a sibling to keep him company right?"

"Right.I had assumed that you wouldn't want to grow through it again because having a baby destroys the body"

"I'm not that kind of person.Am i a model?"


"In any case the agent has found someone who is willing to buy my flat at a good price"


"You don't sound too happy"

"You know i didn't want you to sell it."

"That's too bad.I plan on making our house very pretty.State of art"

"As you wish.It's your property you can do whatever you wish with it"

"What about yours?"

"I decided not to sell it."

"Are you planning to divorce me and move out of our home some day"

"I have decided to keep it so either of us can use it when we need space"

"You sound 100% sure that fighting is all we are going to do when we get married"

"I know you.We dated for eight years and i know how annoying and childish you can be"

"I act childish because someone treats me like his fucking child.You have never treated me like an equal in this relationship.You would always tell me not to do stuff just like a parent would"

"I treat you like a child?I really didn't know"

"Don't act surprised"

"Why would you want to marry a man who makes you feel like a child.Does it make sense?"

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