Chapter 16

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Going to yoongi uncle's house feels like a nightmare for Niki!
First of all, the place always feels like a serial killer's home! A quite
Place! Because on the weekends, his uncle sleeps all day long.
Secondly, his uncle is obsessed with tangerines, that's why he always makes various types of tangerine dishes like tangerine sauce, tangerine cake, tangerine garlic chicken, tangerine kabab
And his uncle's favorite tangerine ramen!!!
And Niki is always forced to drink tangerine alcohol even though he is still a minor.
But still, everything feels ok without his cousin Min Beomgyu!!!!
He hates him the most...his cousin is a psychopath! He is a medical student that's why he always has some scary stuff in his room like skeletons, knives, needles, and scalpels!
Once he brought a human eye from the morgue and gifted Niki on Halloween. Niki thought it was candy and chew it...! That was the worst moment of his life. He couldn't eat anything except water the whole day!
His cousin always pranks him like that. that's why he hates him!
But this time he knew how to teach him a lesson!

Niki was standing in front of his uncle's door hesitating if he should knock on it or not!
Suddenly the door opened and the guy in front of him screamed out of his lungs.
"woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ...appaa~"
He fell to the ground. a man came yelling "what's your problem, crazy moron !! why are you making noise in this early morning ?..... Niki?? oh my boy, you came suddenly!!?? in our house?"
"yeah ....uncle yoongi ...I just missed you a!"
"That's good then! I learned a new tangerine dish, we will make it.....and you why are you laying on the ground?"Yoongi spoke indicating Beomgyu!
"oh...I was just.....where is my needle gone?"
Niki chuckled looking at them...
His cousin is kinda weird but still cute!
Beomgyu shared the room with Niki. Niki started unpacking his stuff."That's kinda sus that you came to Daegu just to meet my dad!!"Beomgyu spoke glaring at Niki.
" is! How can you think that I'll come here without any kind of motive!??"Niki replied with a smirk." what's that?"beom
"I heard that someone failed in the second year but he somehow managed to cover it from his father!"Niki grinned like a villain. Beomgyu gulped.
"Just think what will happen if his father finds out?"
"Why are you doing this to me??Nikiyah~am I not you hyung?"Beomgyu cried.
"well....that's a sweet revenge my dear beom hyung !"
"I'm so sorry, I'll never do those stupid pranks again!!plz don't tell dad....he will kill me!!"Beomgyu sobbed.
"ok....but on one condition!!!"Niki replied
"What ???"
"Take me to this place and help me to find her!!!"

I said slower update right !???
Just forget it 😜

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