Chapter 15

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It is now lunch time. Nini told Gina what happened and decided not to sit with Ricky at lunch. Now their friends aren't the only ones who noticed Nini avoiding Ricky and the dark circles under her red eyes.

Ricky didn't even gave notice that Nini was avoiding him. Theo did though. Theo is a guy in there grade. He is a total sweetheart.

He approached Nini at her locker before lunch. "Hey Nini."he greets. Nini lifts her head to see the sweet boy."oh Hi Theo."she says and gives him a small smile.

"Are you and Ricky okay?"he asks. He sees that they have been hanging out less and that Ricky has been hanging out with Anastasia a lot more."Um I don't think so."she says.

"Do you want to talk about it?"he asks wanting to help."That would be really nice actually."Nini admits. "How about at lunch?"he asks."Really? You wouldn't mind listening to me rant during your lunch time?"she asks. "Not at all."he smiles.

They sit at the table. "Go ahead."Theo says."So Ricky has been my best friend since I was four."she starts."We have been by each other sides for what feels like forever."

Theo nods his head. "We would hang out everyday. We would have sleepovers at least 3 times a week. It was always us. We made new friends but we were still Ricky and Nini."she says.

"But this for the past two weeks. He is always with Anastasia. He misses our hangouts and we haven't had one hangout cause he always forgets them."she says with a few tears.

"And I know I should be happy for him because he is making new friends but I never thought that he would forget about me. I always thought that even if we get new friends we wouldn't let go of each other."she says with more tears.

"And I know it probably hurts more to see him with another girl because I am completely and utterly in love with him but it feels like he doesn't care about me or want to be my friend any more."she finishes with tears running down her face.

Theo hugs her and she crys into his shoulder.  "It is okay." he says to her. After a few moments Nini pulls back. "Thank you."she says. "No problem."he says.

"Do you have advice on what I should do?"she asks. "Well me and my girlfriend went through something similar. And what she did was she stopped trying to hangout with me and she sat with someone else. I was still hanging out with the girl but when she didn't sit next to me in the class we always sat next to each other, I thought it was weird but I shrugged it off.

After about a week of that, I realized I had lost her and that was something that scared me more than anything. So I stopped hanging out with the girl and tried to do everything I could to get her back.

And now we have been dating for two years and we have never been more in love. I will never put myself in the position to lose her ever again cause she is my everything."Theo smiles.

"Wow. That is amazing."Nini says."I might do that."she adds. Theo smiles. "Tell me how it goes." He says and she nods saying she will just as the bell rings and they get up and walk out of the cafeteria.

Hello everyone

I hope you enjoyed this.

Do you guys like the plan? Do you think it will work?

Remember to take care of yourself. Eat, drink lots of water and sleep well. You are all incredible and too good for this world.

Love you all.

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