Chapter 17

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Ricky's POV :

It is finally Friday. I haven't spoken to Nini since our fight on Tuesday. Gina said something yesterday that scared me. 

We were in our last class for the day, I had asked if something was wrong with Nini and she said "she is done letting you take her for granted and because you haven't been spending much tie together and you haven't spoken to her, she thinks your guys friendship ended and that you didn't need her anymore. "

Of course I need her. Without her I can't live. Then when I was lying in bed it hit me, this is my fault and no one elses. I skipped our hangouts. I didn't try talk to her. I toke her for granted and I lost her.

I can't. No I can't have lost her. She is my everything. She is my world. If I lose her I lose everything. And I won't t let that happen.

I know I have been a jerk lately and I intend to make it up to her. Anastasia won't be in my life anymore.

Cause if I had to choose between her and Nini it will be Nini every single time. And that is the decision with everyone.

So what I am going to do is ask Nini of we can talk but first I need to cut Anastasia off and out of my life.

I get to school and guess who is by my locker? Yes the person I need to talk to. "We need to talk." I say before she can greet me.
"About what?" she asks.

"We can no longer be friends." he says sternly. "Why?" she says in a high pitched voice. "Because you took me away from Nini." he says.

"You are choosing that piece of trash over me?" she says annoyed. The angered me. "she. is. not. trash."I say with gritted teeth and my jaw clenched.

"Whatever call me when get bored of the stupid trash." she says. "First of all I can never get bored of her. Second Don't ever say that again cause you will be sorry." I say.

She rolls her eyes and walks away. "That was easy. Now the difficult part." I sya to myself.

It is now second last lesson and Nini and I share it. The teacher gives us free time so I go over to Nini and tap her shoulder.

She turns around and her face falls which hurts cause her face used to light up when she saw me . "Yes?" she asks. "umm can you please come to our spot this afternoon."I say and ask her.

" Why? "she questions." I want to- no need to talk to you and apologize for everything. Please. "I say." Mine after school "she says and turns around

I am going to get her back.


Merry Christmas Eve to those whole celebrate.

This book is nearly over. Will Ricky get her back or lose her forever?

Anyway Eat, drink water (lots of it), and sleep enough. You are all amazing and too good for this earth and deserve the best

Love you all


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