Chapter 13

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Another year and nothing. No one made a move. No one confessed their love for one another. Yes you read that right. They are in love with one another.

But as for our othe couples. Portwell just celebrated their two year anniversary and are so in love.

Nathan and Emma celebrated their forth year anniversary at the end of the summer. They both going to the University of Utah as Nathan couldn't bear to go dmfsr from his sister and Emma couldn't leave her live behind or the girl she views as a little sister.

Daniel and Bekki are going strong coming up to the second anniversary soon. They are also going to UoU as they can't leave their best friends alone.

Now Nini is keeping a secret. No one knows about it or that she even has a secret. She hasn't told her brothers or sisters. She hasn't told Gina and EJ. She hasn't even told Ricky.

One day Ricky is lying on her bed and she is at her desk writing some storie or something. Suddenly a text message comes through on Nini's phone.

"Princess you got a text message." Ricky says. "Can you read it please." she asks not thinking maybe she should have thought about it.

Ricky reads the message before dropping the phone and getting up to pick it up. "Nini what is this?" he asks. "I don't know you didn't read it silly." she laughs but then looks up at his face and then to the top xt message and her face turns pale.

"Nini? Who is this?" he asks her. "Umm, it is probably the wrong number." she says nervously. "Nini it literally starts with your name. Who sent this?" he asks again. Nini hesitates before sighing. "Lily"

"The one in our grade?" he asks and she nods. "How long has this been going on?" he asks sternly. "A few months." she says in a whisper.

"A few months Nini. We're you playing on telling me?"he asks. "I didn't think I would have to. It isn't a big deal." she says. "Not a big deal?" he asks raising his voice a little.

"She told you that you are useless and worthless and that no one loves you. She told you to harm yourself." he says with a raised voice.

"It is true." she says. "Princess none of this is true. You are incredible and can do incredible things. All our friends and family love you. I love you and your my everything." he says cupping her cheeks.

"I love you too bubs." she says. "What are we going to do?"he asks. "Nothing" she replies. "Yeah no. I will be having a word with her tomorrow and I don't care what you say." he says and she nods.

He pulls her into a hug. "Your my entire world princess." he says. "Your mine too." she replies.

The next day at lunch Ricky stands up and goes over to Lily's table. "Hi Ricky." she says battering her eyelashes. "Come with me" he says and  ignores her greeting she gets up and follows him to where Nini is sitting.

"I want you and everyone to listen to me." he says and the whole cafeteria is looking at them. "You see that girl over here." he says and puts his arms around Nini.

"She is the kindest, sweetest, most thoughtful, smartest, talented person and so much more to ever walk this planet.

And you" he says walking over to where Lily stood. "Told her that she is useless and worthless and not loved and that she must hurt herself. Well I am here to tell you that you or anyone will never ever speak to her or about her like that.

Cause she is so incredible words can't even describe her so if I ever hear anyone say something bad about her. There will be trouble.

You would want someone to hurt your world or everything and I don't want anyone to hurt her cause she is mine. "he finishs and everyone besides Lily and her friends clapped.

"Thank you luvie. "Nini says jumping into his arms. "Always princess" he says.

Hello everyone

I hope you enjoyed this

Remember to Eat, drink lots of water and sleep enough. You are incredible and too good for this earth.

I love you always

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