Chapter 10

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They don't exactly know how they got to were they are. I mean it wasn't planned or anything. They didn't mean for it to happen. It just did.

I guess it is bound to happen when you are so close to someone and always around them. Not to mention hormones kicking in. 

The other boys asking to swap seats with Ricky  to be next to Nini or the girls asking Nini if Ricky is single and if so can she please give him their number. 

It made them realize that the other one is actually attractive and the view of them changes. 

Gina and Nini are having a sleep over and sharing stories. Gina decides to say "So I have noticed that you have been different around Ricky lately. What is that about?" she asks. Nini sighs. She knew Gina would bring it up. 

"I don't know. Lately when ever I see him I get butterflies. I want to be close to him at all time and I want to be the reason he smile and is happy. 

Every time he touches me I get this warm feeling. My hands are sweaty and my heart racing when he is around. 

But I don't know. "she finishes. She looks up to see Gina with a huge smile on her face. "Nini. You like him." she squeals. 

The colour in Nini's face drains. She starts freaking out. "No. no I don't. He is my best friend. I can't like him. That would ruin everything." she says.

"Nini it is okay. You won't ruin anything that boy likes you back I promise." Gina says. When she says that the front door opens and in walks the older gang. 

"What is going on bubba?" Nathan asks when he sees his sisters state. "I like my best friend." she says in panic. She never expected the reaction she got from the older gang. 

See the reaction she expected was for them all to go into protective older siblings mode but never expected this. 

"FINALLY." they all shout. "Finally?" Nini asks very confused. "You finally admitted it." Daniel says. "What do you mean?" she asks.

"We have been waiting for you to admit it since you guys danced to 'Say you won't let go' three years ago and more so since you guys kissed two years ago. "Nathan explains. Daniel nodding along. 

"oh." Nini says. "So when are you going to tell him?" Emma asks. Nini looks at her with wide eyes. "I am not." she says.

"Why?" everyone groans. "Cause it would ruin the friendship and he doesnt like me like that. He probably thinks of me like a sister." she says sadly.

"Hey dude. Want to tell me why you are acting all weird around Neens?" EJ said while they were playing video games.

The girls were having a sleepover an sthe boys were playing video games. "What do you mean dude?" Ricky asks him.

"I mean you have been a lot more touchey with her recently and your smile is always so wide. I mean it is always like that but it has been a new level recently." EJ explains.

"I don't know. Whenever I am around her my heart races. It is weird and new. And it only happens around her. And have you seen how beautiful she is?"he says.

He turns to his male best friend (won't make that mistake again) and he sees a big smile on his face. "What? "he asks.

" Dude you like her. "EJ tells him. " What but she is my best friend."Ricky says. "The heart wants what the heart wants." EJ says.

"Huh that actually explains a lot." Ricky says. "So when are you going to tell her?" he asks. "Never." Ricky responds. "Why?We have been waiting for this for three years." EJ whines.

"Whose we?" Ricky asks. "Myself, Gina, Daniel and Nathan." he says listing the people. "OK and because it would ruin our friendship and she doesn't like me. Probably thinks of me like her brother." he says.

Hello everyone

So feeling have been admitted

I hope you enjoyed

Take care of yourself and eat well. Drink lots of water and sleep enough. You are all incredible and tok good for this world.

Love you all

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