Chapter 16

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"Hey guys." Ricky says sitting next to EJ and Anastasia sitting next to him. "Where is Nini?"he asks while he starts eating. Gina scoffs not really wanting to tell him.

"She is eating with someone else." she says coldly. Ricky looks confused and looks around the cafeteria. His eyes land on the brunette and a boy.

He felt his heart drop. "Who is the guy?" he asks. Gina and EJ share a look with the others. Anastasia is the one to answer. "Oh that is Theo. We used to be friends." she says simply.

"Why did you stop being friends?" Gina asks politely but not all. "I don't know nor do I care cause I am now friends with this amazing person." She says touching Ricky.

"I wish you weren't" Gina says under her breathe. "Right Ricky?" she asks when he doesn't answer. His eyes are glued to the girl he loves crying in another boys arms.

"What?" he asks still looking at them. "Nevermind" Anastasia says and deflates. He just nods. Gina snickers behind her hand.

The bell rings. Everyone gets up and heads to their classes. Ricky has English with Nini, and now realizes the boy who she was sat with at lunch.

Ricky walks into class and goes to sit in his normal spot where he and Nini sit together. About two minutes later Nini walks in and goes to sit with Theo.

This makes Ricky very confused. She always sits with him. He shrugs. The teacher announces that they have a free lesson as she has to do some work.

Ricky takes out his phone and texts Anastasia.

After class Nini walks out not even paying attention to Ricky

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After class Nini walks out not even paying attention to Ricky. Like at all. Again Ricky doesn't think much of it.

The next day Nini avoids going near Ricky, not like he noticed anyway. He was too busy with Anastasia to notice.

She starts to lose hope in that he will ever come around. She heard someone say that people are sometimes in your life for a season.

Maybe she was only in his life for a super long season. I mean she already thinks he has forgotten about her and replaced her.

Was she ever really important to him? Did they mean anything to him because if so why did he forget about her? If she meant anything to him Why was she so replaceable.

She knows she can't compete with Anastasia. She is beautiful and manipulative. She is ruthless.

She has Ricky wrapped around her finger. I mean he had not spent more than a half an hour of that with Nini in sixteen days.

Now to other people that may not sound like much but to Nini it is like an eternity. I mean for the past thirteen years they have spent every day together and spoken everyday for hours in end.

It hurts to know that the person you love the most can replace you so easily. Can forget you so easily. It feels like a stab to the heart.

She never though they would have this problem. They were each others ride or die. He was her lifeline and best friend. She thought she was his too.

This all got her thinking and then it went a step further. Did he pity her? Did he actually love her as a friend or was it a facade? Did the person who meant the world to her actually not care about her?

Was everything he said a lie? Was everything he did a lie? It had to be if it was so easy to forget her. It had to be of it was so easy to replace her.

She came to the conclusion that of he hadn't tried to speak to her by Friday, she would give up on trying and accept the fact that they were no longer going to be Ricky and Nini.

If it didn't happen by Friday it would be Ricky and Anastasia. And then just Nini. And she cries thinking that because hse doesn't want that but by Friday if he doesn't try she will know that that is what he wants.

She really hopes that he actually doesn't want to lose her as Theo didn't want to lose his now girlfriend.


This was terrible, I know
I am sorry but I hope you enjoyed.

This book is nearly done. Would you be mad if Ricky doesn't try to talk to Nini by Friday.

Anyway Eat, drink water (lots of it), and sleep enough. You are all amazing and too good for this earth and deserve the best

Love you.

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