Chapter 3

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General POV:

It has been a few months since our little Nini and Ricky told each other they are each other's best friend. They have become inseparable since even more than they already were. Often having play dates that turn into sleep overs.

They absolutely adore each other. Always begging their parents to let them go to the park together or let the other come over to watch movies.

They go for ice cream and pizza every Saturday night with their families. Normally so that Nathan isn't alone Daniel comes with.

"You Nini." a voice shouts and the small girl turns around and smiles when she sees the little curly head boy coming towards her. "Hi Ricky. How are you?"the girls asks standing up to greet him.

He pulls her into a hug. "I am good. You?" he asks. The two, hadn't  seen each other since last night. The class was spilt into two groups for the day so they didn't see each other.

"I am good." she says into his chest cause even tho they are only six years old well nearly seven he was a bit taller than her. They pull away when they here a clearing of a throat.

"Oh right. Nini meet my new best friend EJ. We were put into the same group." he says gesture to the boy with raven hair and dazzling green eyes.

Nini looked to him and her eyes welled up with tears but she quickly put a smile on her face and said "Oh it is nice to meet you EJ, I am Nini." she says.

"Nice to meet you aswell." EJ siad and then the bell rang. Nini packed up her teddy bear Franklin and his dress up clothes and walked away.

This left Ricky confused as they always hugged when they said goodbye. He shrugged, then him and EJ walked to their class for the day.

At the end of the day, Nini's mom Sarah picked them up. They both sat in the back as normal. But this trip to the Roberts house was far from normal.

Instead of the normal chatter between the two, there was silence. Nini sat in the car and looked out the window the whole time not mutter more than a greeting to her mom.

This confused Ricky as she never turns her back on him. Sarah was confused and concerned for her daughter as she saw her sad face in the review mirror, I mean she didn't even sing to her favourite artist Taylor Swift.

When Sarah dropped them off at the Roberts house, the kids hugged her goodbye and then went inside. Nini didn't even greet Alyssa, their baby sister who she normally gives a big hug to but instead ran up the stairs.

She got to her brother's room and burst through the door there she saw her brother and Daniel of course. I mean he is around so often that it is not really a surprise.

Nathan took note of his sister's expression and turned to Daniel "Can you go down and talk with Ricky?" he asks. Daniel quickly caught on and walked out of the room and down the stairs.

"Bubba what's wrong?" Nathan asked his sister. "He replaced me." Nini says looking down as a few tears down escaped her eyes. This statement left Nathan confused. "Who replaced you?" he asks. She lifts up her head and meets his eyes. "Ricky. He got a new best friend." she says crying.

Nathan goes over and hugs her. "Have you told him how you feel?" he asks her. "No" she chokes out. "I think you should." he says.

Daniel comes in the room and becomes concerned when he sees the girl he views as a little sister crying in his best friends arms. "Nini, Ricky is in your room." he says.

She nods and pulls away from her brother and starts walking to the door. Daniel quickly  stopped her and hugged her, then wiped her tears away. "you will be okay" he says. "Thanks Dan." she smiles and leaves.

She goes into her room and Ricky looks at her and the rushes over when he sees she is crying. "Bubby what's wrong?" he asks her.

"You replaced me."Nini says looking everywhere but him." What bubby I could never replace you." he says to her. "But you dif with EJ. I am no longer your best friend, he is she says with tears streaming down her face.

Ricky's face breaks out in realization." No Nini. You will always be my bets friend. Okay no matter what happens, not matter who else I become friends with, you will always be more important and my best friend. Okay?" he says.

"OK. I am sorry bubs." she says at him now. "No never apologize cause I messed up. This was my fault and I am sorry. Can I please have a hug now?" he says. She giggles and gives him a hug.

When they pull away they smile and go sit down on her bed and play with Franklin. "You guys good now?" they both look up at the sound of Nathan's voice.

When they look up they are met with both boys leaning against the doorway. "Yeah we are" Nini says and gets up. "Thank you." she hugs him "And you too Daniel." she then gigs Daniel.

The next day at school they are all back in the Sam eclass. When EJ walks up to Ricky "Hi Ricky and Nini." he says. "Oh Hi EJ. We need to talk." Ricky says.

The raven head nods "I am demoting you." he says with confidence. "Ah what?" he asks. "Yeah your no longer my best friend cause Nini will forever be my best friend but you are now my male best friend." he says.

"uh okay. Anyway Nini I want to introduce you to my friend Gina." he says then steps to the side to reveal a curly head girl with a butterfly top on. "Hi. I am Gina." the girl says.

"Hi Gina, I am Nini and this is my best friend Ricky. Do you guys want to play with us?"Nini asks and both nor their heads and sit down.

Unbest known to them that these four would be so close growing up and even though they meet new friends, they trust the three people sitting next to them with everything in them.

Thanks for commenting and voting and reading it means so much to me.

So this chapter is basically cute but also so extra. Hope you enjoyed

Remember you are important and incredible. Take care of yourself, Eat and drink water. Sleep enough

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