Forgotten Famiglia (Chapter 22)

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"Bambina I'm leaving in twenty minutes so if you want-" Carina spoke as she scanned through her purse, making sure she had everything she needed to let the movers into her old apartment, to take the remainder of her furniture to the storage unit. "Maya" She spoke again, realising the blonde that was racing away the day on the treadmill, wasn't paying attention.

She had her ears plugged, music bouncing through her ears as the glistening shine of sweat formed on her forehead.

Carina just let out a sigh as she walked from the hallway and over to the running firefighter. Manoeuvring her way around the cardboard boxes that they still had to organise. Currently they are struggling to find the right space for everything.

The last five days have been strange to Carina. Ever since Maya left to go somewhere on thanksgiving, she has had this vibe about her. Not to mention, she never actually told Carina where she went. She has tried to ask, but Maya either slides the conversation over to her, or she will just do what she's doing

"Hey!" Carina exclaimed as she pitstoped in front of the very focused Maya Bishop. Her eyes jumped out of the focused state as she locked onto Carina, who was snapping her fingers in front of her face.

She slowed the speed to the treadmill down before stepping to the sides and pulling out one airpod. "Sorry, what did you say?" Almost out of breath, she still managed to slow her breathing down.

"Are you okay?" Carina asked, manoeuvring to a different conversation.

"Yeah I'm fine, what's up?" The darkness in her eyes said otherwise.

After she had bailed Mason out of jail on thanksgiving day, she couldn't knock him out of her head. She had built up a strong mindset for this over the course of the last few months. But this circumstance was different. He was in a jail cell because he had caused a fuss at a homeless shelter, for taking more than he should have at the serving of a thanksgiving dinner.

It broke her heart that he wouldn't let her help him. All she wanted to do was provide him with a roof over his head, food on a plate, but he wont let her. She's failed him, and herself. She knows he struggled when they were kids, yet she was so caught up in the momentum of becoming the star runner, that Mason wasn't even in the picture.

The reason she hasn't told Carina...well, that's because she doesn't know how. She's scared she will be angry at her for not telling her about her having a brother in the first place, along with everything that tailed him. She was just hoping that the topic will soon be dropped and forgotten about.

But she wasn't helping with that process. Carina would constantly ask her if she was okay, so she was clearly showing signs that this was affecting her more than she had planned.

"I'm leaving in twenty minutes, so if you want a lift to the station, you should get ready" Carina explained as she watched Maya glanced down at her wrist watch, pressing the button on the side to light up the screen in a red digital font.

"Crap" She muttered as she realised that she had over-ran her estimated amount. "Uh yeah, right, I'll get ready now" Stepping off the treadmill, her adrenaline had worn off as the sweat from her precious run caught up to her, causing her forehead to shine with a thin sliver of sweat coating over the bridge of her nose. The grey tank top she was wearing took on most of the moisture as she brushed past Carina and into their bedroom.

Carina loved how much Maya enjoyed the act of working out. She knows she's using it as an escape, but she also doesn't want Maya to feel that working out is her only way of escaping.


"I'll pick you up tomorrow? or will you get a lift home from Andy?" Carina asked as they entered through the lobby doors, hand in hand and stopping in front of the captain's office.

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