Did I Blackout? (Chapter 9)

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“Montgomery, Emerson, check on the patients in triage, if they have any symptoms put them on O2, if any our major, get them too Grey Sloan, you know the drill” Maya commanded to the two standing next to the engine. 

Station 19 was currently on a scene that contained a gas leak inside an apartment building. They were currently evacuating the building and opening doors and widows to vent out the rooms inside. 

Due to the blackout that was currently ongoing, it caused a stove to leak gas. The leak had seemed to be going on for quite a while, because the second nineteen arrived on the scene, they instantly smelt the gas in the air ,and once they pulled out the gas monitor, it beeped like crazy, instigating the gas had seemed to be decently thick and heavy around the entire building. 

“The last couple of civilians should be leaving now,” Dean announced over the radio.  

And surely enough, a group of people walked out of the building, who were soon guided over to the triage tent to check for carbon monoxide and gas poisoning. “Vent the rest of the third floor then get yourself out of there” Maya said through the radio before walking to the engine  opening the door and taking her tablet from the dashboard. 

Doing so she also saw her phone placed beside it, the screen flashing white due to a notification popping up. She knew who it was before even looking, and that made her smile like an idiot.

She had been secretly texting her Italian distraction for the last ten days. Due to the commotion that had been caused by Logan finally admitting to the station that her and Carina broke up, Carina hadn't been able to show her face in the station since. The last time Maya officially saw her was when she got her number before leaving the station after the weekly diner. Which so happened to be ten days ago. 

She fought the urge to check her phone, she knew she couldn't check i , no matter how bad she wanted to. But she was working and she was in charge, she couldn't risk anything right now. So she only took her tablet and closed the engine door. 

She walked back over to where she was previously standing, she pulled up the fire report, filling in what she could for now to try and get a start on things. 

She's caught up on quite a lot recently. She even managed to finish the recommendation for her brother, although she hasn’t had the guts to print it out and actually give it to him, not that she knew where he was anyway, but it was only a matter of time before she would be bailing him out of jail cell again. 

“The second floor is all clear” Andy said as she walked up beside her captain with her head stuck in her tablet screen. 

“Good” Maya replied “You can help Montgomery and Emerson on triage” She suggested, only looking up to view the building in front of her.

There wasn't anything going on between her and Andy, but the way she was acting, Andy was a little curious as to why she wasn't acting like herself. She has ideas of course, but she can't officially prove them to be true.

“Everything alright?” Andy asked as she moved her head to try and look at Maya's face directly.

“Yeah, everything is fine, why?” Which was true. Maya couldn't be more fine then she is right now. 

“You just seem distracted,” Andy admitted, which also seemed to be true. Maya was distracted, the good kind of distraction. The Italian kind. 

“No I'm okay, are you?” Maya asked, turning the question back onto Andy..

“Yeah, I'm okay?” Andy replied with a questionable tone. She knew something was definitely up with Maya, she just couldn't put a pin on it. She seemed more perky? And more energetic than usual, and she didn't show much eye contact anymore.

Nonentity Probie {Marina/Maya & Carina}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ