Look, Tortoise! (Chapter 15)

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With the passing moment, and controversy taking place outside. Both girls laid still, relaxing into one another's embrace as they held each other in their arms.

Carina propped herself up with her elbow to face the blonde who was staring right up at the ceiling, allowing the newly overwhelming feeling of bliss pass through her. The Italian fiddled with the ends of Maya's blonde locks, feeling Maya's hand lightly caress her arm, she watched the blonde roll her head to face her directly. The grin on her face caused the Italian to glide her hand across the blonde's cheek, halting when her thumb was on the firefighters lips.

Moving in closer to give the blonde a gentle, warming peck on her lips, only pulling back to glance into her shiny blue eyes. "We should really go back to the group" Carina whispered, doubt behind her tone because she really didn't want to. She wanted to stay in their warm, seductive little bubble. She wanted to stay there, sensitively drawing shapes with her index finger on her girlfriend's exposed abdomen.

Maya knowingly smiled as she returned her view to white ceiling. "We can" Maya rolled her head, giving the Italian a full view of her facial features. "Or, we can stay here for five more minutes" Maya smirked out.

And Carina happily obliged too by adjusting herself so that she was straddling the blonde's lap. Strong chuckles and laughs filled the room as they shared small kisses. They felt like teenagers, giggling and blushing at every minor movement or touch.

Small tickles to Maya's side caused her face to drop and stare intensely at the italian. "Absolutely not, we are not doing tickles" Maya said in a serious tone whilst grabbing a hold of the italians hands that were down by her side.

It only caused Carina to laugh though, the sentence alone did not help with Mayas 'strict and tough' act that she was trying to play off. "Who knew you were so ticklish" Carina said as she hastily slid her hands out of the blonde's grip.

"No one, and I would l-ike to keep it that way" She snickered out as she felt the brunette's hands slide up her abdomen. Carina's hands fondly caressed their way up Maya's chest, one palm gently landing on the base of her neck while the other landed underneath the pillow beside Maya's head.

Maya's hands found their way back to Carina's waist, giving the Italian the go ahead. She leaned in once more, layering her lips on the blondes. Growing more heated and passionate, and due to Maya not wanting to ever leave the room, she quickly transformed the kiss into deep desire and desperation.

As soon as Maya flipped them over, causing Carina to lay underneath her, Carina quickly detached her lips from the blondes. "If we don't stop-" Carina mumbled whilst the blonde peppered kisses along her jawline. "We will be in here all day" Carina was trying her hardest to not give into the blondes soft lips on her neck, the sensation sending goosebumps throughout her body and down her spine.

"That's my plan" Maya mumbled against the italians skin, sending shivers through her body. Carina found herself slipping into the need of relief, but instead she slipped out from underneath the blonde and stood up next to the bed.

Standing in only her undergarments and her blue bralette, Maya laid happily as she admired the body that stood before her. "What have I said about behaving" The Italian pointed at the blonde with her index finger as she laid there slouched back into the pillows.

The brunette just shook her head at the smirky frown that was admitted from her girlfriends face. Walking around the bunkroom, she picked up her items of clothing that was previously aggressively thrown off her.

Eyeing Maya's crew t-shirt on the ground, she picked it up to throw at the blonde. The shirt landed directly on the blonde's face, causing her to chuckle slightly before letting out a sigh and sitting up on the edge of the bed. "Do I have too?" Maya complained like a kid as she slipped the navy crew t-shirt over her head, slouching her shoulders at the italian who was buttoning up her blouse.

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