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The step father

When Mindy's mother passed, she wept for weeks, even months. She was 17 when her mother died. It was a workplace incident. During a daily cleanup in the chimpanzee enclosure, one of the chimps was spooked and irate; it attacked the woman. It was strong enough to lift the petite woman and carry it up the large tree in the enclosure, eventually dropping her from a height of about 12 feet. She would've survived if it wasn't the fact that her screaming triggered the other chimps into attacking her fallen and broken form. The zoo eventually had to put down 6 of their chimps.

Mindy's only family was her step father; a man that was in her life since she was 10. He was about 7 years younger than her mother, but he was wise and way too uptight for her mother. Even now, at 26, Mindy doesn't know what her mother saw in him, except for the fact that he was younger than her and probably more... Energetic in the bedroom department. Mindy admitted, even when they first met, that Kim Namjoon was a handsome man.

A little taller than 6 feet, broad at the shoulders, chest, and upper back with a bit of a narrow waist. When they first met when Mindy was 10, he was around 22(her mother was 29 at this time) with his hair closely shaven, probably because he was gonna enlist into the military early. He had an egg like face at the time, with round cheeks. Kim Namjoon had sharp dragon eyes that judged the young daughter of his beloved, especially when she misbehaved. Whilst her mother didn't much care about the trouble her daughter did, the step father chided the young girl to behave, especially during important events; like the wedding.

Nearly a year after meeting, Mindy's mother and Kim Namjoon got married. It was a small celebration. Moistly just her mother's coworkers and Namjoon's close coworkers and friends. Mindy was both the flower girl and the ring bearer. From the little she paid attention to, Mindy found out through eavesdropping that Namjoon's family members have long since passed, and he was an only child of parents that were also only childs. No aunt's or uncles or nieces or nephews.

A month before her new step father enlisted, and they moved to a smaller town a little outside the busy city of Seoul. At age 11, Mindy was furious when she moved because she didn't wanna leave her only friend. Park Jimin.

(AN: I would like to clarify that Mindy's mother gave birth to Mindy at age 19. With this introduction, It means that her mother was 29, Namjoon was 22, and Mindy was 10.)

The best friend

When Mindy was 4, her mother put her in a daycare center whenever she had work. Apparently keeping a child around dangerous animals is not a smart thing. With her arm in a bright green cast, Mindy started her first day of daycare explaining in her little kid way of how a baby python wrapped itself around her arm and snapped her forearm. ("Noodle just wanted to cuddle. But noodle cuddled me too hard and my arm went crack.")

It was a pretty lonely first day until a small chubby boy her age waddled up to her with a marker, asking if he can sign it. And that's how she and Park Jimin became friends.

When they were 11, Mindy had to move away. Jimin was devastated when he found out at school. In the middle of lunch, Jimin cried and screamed until eventually his parents were called in. Always the soft hearted family they were, the Park family pulled their son out of school and used their vast amount of money to move schools and location for him. Within a week, Mindy had her best friend again in her new school.

But now she had a new problem; the second best boy in school that followed her into college, still trying to best her. The rival, Kim Taehyung.

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