Vengeance is Mine

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Celex was not encouraged..

As far as even Adham understood, killing apollyon was impossible because he "existed outside the cycle of life and death in the same way that we do" or some other metaphysical bullshit, which is why the war had been going on for so long because neither Apollyon nor the architect was particularly capable of dying, since both of them had existed in the reality that was before the universe.

It all made his head hurt.

At the very least Adam had gotten the attention of the Makers, who agreed, somewhat grudgingly, to help them in their fight against Apollyon.

Of course then there was his other little problem.

The Makers, they didn't like him so much.

And that he could mostly understand of course considering the circumstances. The last time Celex was here he had tried to lead an army in rebellion against the architect, usurp his power and become the grand ruler of everything. It had been reckless for sure, overly ambitious and perhaps a little presumptive, but, to his thinking it had been a bit of a juvenile learning curve.

You didn't arrest toddlers for having tantrums did you?

It seemed, however, that the Makers didn't exactly see eye to eye with him.

He was hauled to his feet, surrounded on all sides by the guards, including the angry Drev and ex Celex who had a bit of a bone to pick with him. At the front of the room, Aham was shouting orders, and just outside the window the Maker armada was gearing up for flight.

Adam was valiantly attempting to argue with the Maker regarding their involvement, insisting they could help while the Maker insisted the couldn't.

"Look, I appreciate the offer of assistance but, you and your friends helping is like...." He paused for a moment head tilted as he attempted to find the right metaphor, "It's like when you are doing some important work, and your toddler walks up and wants to help, it is very cute, even endearing, but the help they provide is ineffective and sometimes a downright hindrance because you have to spend more on your time making sure the toddler doesn't hurt themself than you spend time actually doing anything useful."

Celex craned his neck as he was escorted towards the door.

"Um, not to interrupt your conversation, but where are they taking me"

Adam turned his head, look of exasperation only growing as he saw Celex being escorted away. He turned to look at Adham, :Where are you taking him."

"The warlord is no longer any of your concern."

Adam crossed his arms over his chest, "Like hell he isn't. He's one of my men."

Adham shook his head, "He's a fugitive Maker, not a construct. He is ours to deal with, and incidentally he has more than a few things to answer for."

Adam threw up his arms in frustration, "Do you really think now is the best time for that! The end of the universe is coming and you want to punish him now."

"Did you think we would simply forgive him for the murder of a few billion people? Actions in a constructed life have consequences, and if it is not equalized during their lifetime, it will be done so here."

Adam huffed in frustration, "I get all that, vengeance is mine saith the lord bullcrap, all I am saying is that now is the worst time to be doing this. What even is the punishment for blowing up a planet?"

"The pain that you dealt to others will thusly be dealt to you in kind. Your Warlord gets to experience the lives and pains of those that he murdered, their fear, their sadness, and the rage of those that were left behind. Don't worry, it won't take long, and soon you will have your warlord back in one piece, though I don't know in what sort of condition"

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