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The door hissed shut softly beside him, the two of them held eye contact, poised on the razors edge as they waited for the tell tale click that would mean they were finally alone, and then the door sealed , clicking shut with a distinct tone of finality.

As soon as that sound echoed around the room Adam's head snapped to look at Sunny.


She crossed one set of arms over her chest, "What?"

"Are you serious right now. This.... This is not the time."

With every word he watched as the brow ridge over her right eye inched incrementally upward. She crossed her second set of arms, "I'm sorry, I forgot that this was solely my fault for not being able to control my uterus." She turned her head downward and uncrossed her arms resting her hands on her hips, "Bad, bad uterus." She scolded, "How dare you magically and unexpected produce life." She lifted her head one eyebrow ridge still raised.

Adam turned in a slow circle hands in his hair, "Is that supposed to be funny?"

"I mean, I was hoping you would find the humor in it, but since you haven't. No, I was trying to point out that it takes two to tango buddy. Maybe you should have had a talk with your family jewels and explain to them that this is a very inconvenient time."

He was definitely going to be sick.

"This is not happening right now.

"Can we move past the denial phase some time this century. This is happening and the sooner you accept it the sooner we can come up with a game plan."

Adam whirled on her hands held over his head in an expression that was somewhere near a challenge but closer to defeat, "This can't be happening."

"There aren't any other explanations that fit."

"Maybe your just sick or.... Something."

"Yeah I have a tumor, you know the kind that grows hands and feet and teeth, and eventually will claw its way out of my body and start walking, so yeah in a way I guess you are right."

Adam stared open mouthed at her, "How are you taking this so calmly?! We are potentially trillions of miles from arcadia right now, we don't know where we are, we are right in the middle of trying to defeat the void, and if I ever needed my battle partner. Now is the time."

Sunny rolled her spear from one hand to the other, "If that was the case than maybe we should have considered birth control, but we didn't."

Adam took a seat on the bed and rested his head in his hands, "Why..... remind me again why we didn't."

She was silent for a moment tapping her spear on the ground gently, "Because Kay seemed like a miracle, and miracles don't tend to happen twice."

Adam raised his head slowly, dragging his fingers down his face.

Sunny continued, "Subconsciously , I think we still haven't grasped the fact that the void antidote changed us on a fundamental level. Plus, they don't exactly make birth control for Drev."

Adam rolled back so he was lying flat on his back staring up at the ceiling, "Yes but they make tons of it for humans. Truckloads of it, all different kinds for men and for women."

After a moment Sunny walked over to sit next to him, "Well that's a very human thing."

'What do you mean?"

"I mean no Drev has ever avoided having a baby, at least as far as I know, but then again Humans are horny little bastards and aren't as monogamous as Drev. If A drev is going to have a baby it is most certainly with their battle partner."

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now