The Battle of Broken Moon

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"Ramirez, shields!"

A wall of golden white light flared up around them cradling the Empyrean in a cocoon of golden energy. The shield's wall crackled and fizzed with power closing around them just as the void-ship dropped its shields discharging another round of orange beam energy.

Adam braced himself inside the cockpit of the darkfire just as the void energy hit the empyrean's shields.

Adam was rocked violently in his seat as the entire ship was pushed back against the power of her engines. The shields cracked and fizzed angrily but held back the void energy. Behind them, the shards of Ire's green moon had fallen into a confused unstable orbit giving the waiting battlefield a reminder of just what the void cannon could do.

Adam didn't want to imagine what it could do to his ship.

Ramirez dropped their shields as the second ship was waiting to charge theirs and fired again. Golden energy rolled and dissipated over the glowing orange of the void shield.

It was only open for seconds.

Luckily simon had read the situation well, and the Omen had fallen back. She had very good shields, but the power differential between very good and Godlike was an enormous rift, and if that sort of energy could break a moon in half, there was no telling what it could do to the omen.

But the Omen was a small ship and compared to the void carrier and the empyrean it was more agile.

During the quick two exchanges by Ramirez and the void pilot Simon had flanked around from the side using the debris from the Iris moon as cover, and as the Void shields went down, Simon fired. There was a small time delay and then a sudden blinding flash of light. The viewscreen of the darkfire immediately darkened to overload against the bright flash.

Blinking more spots from his eyes Adam squinted towards the void ship.

He knew that flash of light.

Simon had used one of their rare nuclear warheads, having judged the situation was far out of hand from the Omen. She had been forced to use her most powerful weapon right out of the gate. Adam could admit that he expected to see a pile of debris simply floating in the middle of space, but his eyes widened in shock and horror when, the light cleared and the void carrier was still there.

Its orange shield glowed with particular malice., but she was still standing .

Not that Simon hadn't done anything.

Even from this distance Adam could see the livid gaping hole straight through the center of the void ship, its edges glowing red like an angry eye from the face of a dragon woken from a thousand years of slumber.

"Holy shit."

"Simon watch out!"

The void ship was recharging again, and Ramirez took the gamble.

They dropped their shields at the same time, as the void ship fired on the Omen. Adam watched stupid and helpless as a swarm of enemy ships rolled over the back of the Empyrean peppering her with void fire . But Ramirez took the damage and partial victory as his bolt of Maker energy slammed into the low right side of the enemy ship burning another hole straight through it.

At the helm of the Omen, Simon took evasive maneuvers . The ship would have been to slow to avoid what was coming next, but then she pulled the most ballsy thing Adam had ever seen. As the void ship fired, Simon engaged a microwarp, and the Omen vanished.

Void light passed through the space where the Ship had bee, now appearing just a few kilometers up . It was a dangerous move for sure. Warps were generally calculated with extreme caution, but there was always a chance that you might warp into the space of soemthing that already existed. If that was the case it could cause major damage to the ship, and if worst came to worst kill everyone aboard.

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