A Coming Storm

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The triumvirate met together in the Locus tower at the center of Noxumber. The tower was an extension of their senate chambers but served the same function as a presidential office. Inside there were three seats attached to holoprojection tables, all arrayed in a shallow semi-circle opposite one wall which they used for long distance holographic meetings.

Eris and the Spartan king were already there when Adam arrived. Eris was still in her pajamas, and King James was as he normally was, draped partially in his red cape, chest bare to show his glorious abs to the world. He was one of the few men Adam knew who could pull of leather underwear, but, to be fair, when you looked as good as the King did, you could wear anything and make it look good.

Adam wore a T shirt and jeans, and held Kay on one hip not having had the time to find him a babysitter before Conn arrived so unceremoniously. It was close to his bedtime, and Kay yawned hugely resting his head against Adam's chest.

Conn, Sunny, Krill, and Riss followed behind, the only others who had been witness to the sudden news of Earth's invasion.

Ramirez had phoned in and announced that he and Mavrick were on their way though it would take them a few minutes.

King James greeted them with a nod and smiled at Kay, "Quite the strapping young man already."

Kay smiled groggily and reached one hand out to the king. He was a very social child, and didn't really mind who held him at any given moment. King James gladly accepted Kay, who made himself quite comfortable against one of the Spartan's massive pecs. Adam smirked, knowing a few people who would probably be jealous.

But his grim amusement was cut off for a time as one of the Triumverate clerks came into the room, "Sir, you're being hailed."

"Adam took the center seat with Eris and King James doing the same, still holding kay as he did. Sunny moved to stand behind Adam's chair her spear held lightly in one hand and resting against the floor.


The Clerk shifted awkwardly not sure how to move forward before, "Sir, its president Hunt."

Andrew stiffened slightly.

At the far end of the room the door opened, and Lord Celex strolled into the room, "What does that bald domed bastard want." He snapped. Celex was barefoot, his long multicolor hair in tangles around his shoulders and face. He looked like he had gotten dressed in a hurry, which gave Adam sneaking suspicions. Celex was, ironically very popular with some of the locals, and while he couldn't exactly recreate his harem.....

The clerk shifted awkwardly again, "I don't know, he won't speak to me. Says he wants to talk to President Vir."

Adam snorted, "Did he call me that or are you just being polite."

"he was.... Actually quite cordial on the phone, sir."

He looked over at the other members of the Triumvirate looking for second opinions.

Eris shrugged, "No reason not to at least take his call."Up ahead the

King James nodded as well, "We have the high ground here. His world has been invaded, he is at a distinct emotional and psychological disadvantage. And if the invasion continues he is also at a sociological, and economic disadvantage. There is no reason for us to not take this call."

Adam nodded once.

Lord Celex stopped on Adam's other side resting a hand on his seat. As a Maker Lord Celex arguably could have taken over Arcadia and installed himself as ruler. No one would have been able to stop him, and Adam imagined, he could have done this even before he died. But ever since the man had come back from Kazna's clutches he was..... a bit different. He didn't seem interested in power which was a shocker considering he had blown up a planet once to quash a rebellion.

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