'Mipha, Princess of the Zora. Hylian Champion. A dear friend of mine.'

Wild wanted to scream. Mipha was so much more then that. She was beautiful, kind, and... dead.

"I see." Time let the subject go, considering the pink tint on Champion's face.

Wild forced himself to look straight forward, refusing to meet Time's gaze.
As the  group stopped for the day, because of Wind's, Hyrule's, and Sky's aching feet, Wild started a fire, and cooking food.

"-And that's when I found the Master Sword!" Warriors boomed.

"Sounds like just in the nick of time!" Wind observes.

"Say, Champ, what age did you find the Master Sword?"

Champion looks up from his food.


Everyone just stared.

"Uhhhh, who wants to take watch tonight?" Legend asks.

"I will." Wild says.

Twi saw the desire in Champion's eyes to take watch.

"Champion, let Wild take watch. You're tired, I can tell." Twi reasoned.

Champion shook his head.

"You're not exactly in the position to disagree, so I suggest you get some rest." Time intervenes.

Champion would've rolled his eyes if he had been less reserved.

Later, everyone was asleep while Wild watched out for monsters.
Wild began to hear whimpering. Knowing fully well that he should awake whoever is having another nightmare. You see, the Links' are no stranger to nightmares. Most of them revolve around memories of their journeys.
Wild walked toward the sound.
What he didn't realize, was that Champion was having a nightmare.

Champion's face was pitiful. His bangs on his sweat-soaked face. It was clear he was distressed. The whimpering continued as Champion tossed and turned.
Wild sighed. He slowly walked up to Champion's sleeping bag, and gently nudged Champion's shoulder.

Champion bolted upright with a silent scream. Wild held his hands up to show he meant no harm.

"Hey! It's okay! It's just a nightmare." Wild tried to reassure.

Champion's eyes were hazy and unfocused due to just waking up. His breathing was also uneven. Wild could just make out  the tears in Champion's eyes that threatened to fall.
It was pretty obvious that Champion wasn't as well guarded when sleepy.

"Er, you're okay. Everyone gets these. Do you- do you... want to talk about it?" Wild asks hesitantly.

Champion shook his head.

"Er, okay. Uhm, did you want to take watch with me?" Wild suggested.

Champion nodded.

As Champion sluggishly got up, Wild led him to the spot he had been previously taking watch at.
Silence follows them.

'Pardon my bluntness, but what happened in your timeline?'
Champion asked.

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