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Christina's POV

Liam is pissed.

No, pissed is an understatement, he's furious.

After he woke up we waited a couple of minutes for the princes and the guardian to get out.

The minutes turned to an hour and he got impatient.

Then he went up to the house and we found out it was empty.

So now, a day later he looked about ready to kill me.

"If it weren't for your damned compassion I could've killed the guard and have the princes back to Romania. This is all your fault!"

I winced and stepped away from him, my back hitting the wall.

We are in a hotel room, alone.

This is bad.

"How was I supposed to know-"

"That's it! You don't know shit. We had them a couple of feet away from us, we could've had them!" he finally snapped and punched the wall, just an inch from my head.

My eyes widened.

I knew he wouldn't actually punch me. He had this sort of rule. No punching a girl unless he was trying to defend himself. But that didn't mean he couldn't scare me.

He's taller and stronger than me, of course he's scary.

"I was just trying to help." I said in a small voice.

Something I didn't recognize flashed in his eyes before he looked at me with a cold stare.

"Yeah well next time we are doing things my way."

Then he took off his shirt.

I had the urge to touch his chest, just to see if it felt as soft as it looked. To see how strong he was.

I shook my head to make the dirty thoughts go away.

"What are you doing?" I asked a bit nervous.

"I'm taking a shower." he said and began to unbutton his pants.

"Oh no! Go take your clothes off inside the bathroom!" I snapped as I pushed him inside said room.

I heard him chuckle but he didn't try to fight me off.

Why did he have to be so attractive?

If only his personality was as attractive as he was.

I sighed and laid on the bed.

A plan.

I need a plan to convince the princess I'm on her side, if I don't I'll be in big trouble.

Why did I even agree to all of this in the first place?

Am I doing the right thing?

Have I lost the sense of what's wrong and what's right?

What am I going to do if Liam finds out about this?

Ugh. I groan in frustration.

Too many questions and no answers.

I need to contact Leo.

Yes, that's it. He must have a plan by now.

I grab my purse and go near the bathroom's door.

"Liam I'm going to grab myself something to eat. Want anything?"

Look at me, being all nice when sooner or later I'll stab him on the back.

"Whatever you're getting."

"I'll be back in a few!"

And I closed the door to the hotel.

A public phone, I need a phone far away from here.

I got out of the building and started wondering around until I reached a phone.

In a hurry I dialed Leo's number.


"How did you know it was me?" I asked suspiciously.

"You're the only one who calls me. How are things over there?"

"Bad. Liam is pissed. The princess and the guard escaped, just as we hoped, but Liam is ready to rip anyone's head off. Have you come up with a plan?" there was hope in my voice, in my heart.

"No. I tried to get help but everyone refused. They aren't ranting us out because of all the years I've served them. We're on our own. And frankly? For the first time I don't know what to do."

If Leo didn't know what to do...

No I don't even want to think about how this will end.

I guess I should start saying goodbye to this world and the next.

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