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Blair's POV

"Who is it? Sawyer?" I walked closer to the door and Sawyer moved out of the way, opening the door wider, revealing the person standing outside.

"What are you doing here?"

Eden rolled her eyes. "Such a warm welcome, I shouldn't expect anything less from the princess."

"We are here to help." Sean appeared behind Eden, looking taller. No seriously, she barely reached his shoulder.

"Where are your manners? Gee." Eden rolled her eyes and strolled in. Sean walked in behind her with a few suitcases.

I couldn't say anything, the surprise and shock hasn't left my body. What's going on?

"Oh great more people!" Carson groaned and I turned to look at him, he looked annoyed.

Who wouldn't? I mean, Eden is here so...

"Who's the idiot?" Eden pointed at Carson.
"I'm the idiot who owns the house so if you don't lower the bitchy tone I'll have you kicked out." Carson snapped, turning red. I have a feeling he's about to loose it.

To my surprise he's been so calm about everything else, but people can only take in so much.

Sean stiffened.

"Don't threaten my-" Sean coughed, "Don't make threats, boy, or things-"

"It's okay, Sean. He's just stressed, right Carson?" I turned to him.

"Whatever." Carson mumbled and looked at the new people expectantly.

"My name is Sean Taylor." Sean said in an emotionless tone, looking at Carson a bit irritated.

"Eden Seeley. Like I said, we're here to help. No need to get all angry, I'm not the bad guy."

"Sorry, it's just all the pressure. Here I'll take you to a room." Carson offered.

"I'll go." Sean told Eden and took the suitcases.

Eden looked at us. "So what's the plan?"

"What do you know about all this?" Sawyer asked suspiciously.

"Well my dad is friends with Blair's dad, so I overheard a conversation about sending guards for her and how Henry was helping. It's like they're blinded by his charm or something. Then I told dad that I wanted a vacation so he gave me money. And now I'm here." she explained.

"But how did you find us? Carson said this place is hard to find. It's going to take the guards hours or maybe a day or two to find us." I frowned.

"Well, I know this witch. I just had to give her something that belonged to the person I'm looking for and she'll give me the exact position of your location." Eden smiled, feeling superior.

"Wait, so you have something that belongs to someone in this house?" Pierce asked a bit concerned.

This time Eden blushed, she put her hand inside her pocket and took it out with a black and white bracelet. That doesn't belong to me or Sawyer.

"It's Kenneth's. It must've fell off or something because it was inside my hooded sweater." Eden blushed. "I guess I'll give it to him tomorrow."

We all nodded understandably. "The plan is, well there's really no plan."

Eden gaped at me.

"Yeah, we're just going to wait for them to come near and attack. Meredith said she'll call two shape shifters and that's pretty much it." Pierce mumbled.

"Oh boy. Well whatever, all that we really have to do is keep them from taking you or killing the rest of us. Piece of cake. Now I'm going to sleep." Eden groaned and went to the hallway calling Sean's name, his head popped out of a room, letting know her where he was.

Sean smiled at her.

There's something up with those two.

"We'll update everyone tomorrow, it's not like we can hide Sean and Eden." Sawyer rubbed his neck, signaling that he was stressed and when he's stressed his back starts to ache.

"Good night then." Pierce said and left to his room where Meredith was already waiting.

"Let's go love." I grabbed Sawyer's hand and we walked to our room.

Once inside I locked the door so no one would interrupt us. Then I started taking off my clothes. We left all our suitcases at the car and if Christina was right, we couldn't go back for them. So I'm going to sleep in my underwear.

I turned to look at Sawyer, his back was to me and he was only wearing boxers. I walked over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders and started rubbing them.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a small groan.

"You deserve this." I mumbled and kissed the place between his shoulder blades.

"Thanks." he mumbled as I kept massaging his shoulders.

After a while we went to bed. He placed a kiss on my forehead, my eyes, nose, temple, cheeks and finally my lips. A small moan escaped me, his lips are just so soft.

"I love you," he mumbled against my lips and then trailed kisses to my ear and then whispered, "so much."

"I love you too." I said as he now held me tight to his chest as we laid there.

"We're going to get out of this, unharmed. All of us. And then we're going to disappear, I'm going to take you wherever you want. We're going to be happy." Sawyer said against my head.

"All I need is you to make me happy." I sighed and placed a kiss to his chest. "But I want us to be free. Taking a trip for a long while sound pretty good to me."

"Good, because I was going to take you anyway." Sawyer chuckled.

"That's so romantic." I rolled my eyes.

"I know, I should receive and award." he said, which in turn made me chuckle and I smacked his chest playfully.

"Go to sleep, you're safe with me." Sawyer murmured seriously now, tightening his grip on me.

"And you with me." I said and closed my eyes.

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