p.4 Pearl

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Whether Christina, or Pearl, was going to be simply a singer or a full-on burlesque girl was yet to be seen. So far, they had only told her about the first part of her act; recreating the Happy Birthday Mr. President performance. That was sure to gain some traction and attention. And going from being invisible to being the center of a stage was no small step. Christina's legs were as wobbly as Elvis', only involuntarily so.

Jacinta was like the matriarch of the chorus girls. The veteran, so to speak. The lines at the sides of her eyes and mouth said that much. They didn't change the fact that she was probably the most beautiful woman Christina had ever seen-without counting her mother.

"I've been doing this for more than two decades," she told Christina as she led her to the changing rooms. "I look out for my Cherries because not all men here follow our rules. If one of them ever lays hands on you you must let me know immediately. Got it?"

Christina nodded, taking off her top and skirt. Under them, she was wearing stockings and a bodysuit, much more comfortable to rehearse on.

"And what happens to them?"

"A ban for life and a lesson from Buck and Sonny."

Buck and Sonny were the big tough guys guarding the club. It was comforting that they also guarded the girls.

When Christina was ready they walked on stage.

"Lights, Salvador." Jacinta used her mighty voice to command a guy in slacks and suspenders to flash the stage lights on. "You've got to acclimatize yourself with this whole shebang; the bright hot lights that will make you sweat your eyeballs out; the music blasting into your eardrums; and the dummy, intoxicated faces from the audience."

Jacinta wasn't yet sure if Christina could manage that. From her point of view, she thought the girl might have ran off stage at Madison because those things became too overwhelming for her.

"I don't have stage fright. Hell, I learned to walk on one. But I've spent my whole life being invisible, so suddenly having so many eyes on me is a little intimidating." She pursed her lips. "I think I'll get used to it, though."

Jacinta took to the steps down the stage, leaving Christina alone up there. The woman pulled a chair from one of the tables right in the middle. When she sat down, she crossed one exposed leg over the other and tightened her platinum ponytail. With a snap of her fingers she made Salvador bring a microphone to Christina.

"Pretend I'm President Kennedy and sing to me like a horny virgin."

Christina choked on her own saliva at Jacinta's rude wording.

"I don't think that'll be a problem for her," Not-Frank Sinatra-whom she'd learned was actually named Ralph-said, observing from afar.

There were others spectating, too. More chorus girls had arrived to get ready for their night show.

Jacinta signaled Christina to begin.

"Ha..." The girl cleared her throat. "Happy birthday to you."

"Look at her, she can barely keep her knees straight," Junie quickly heckled.

"And from what I recall, Junie, you used to keep your knees nailed to the floor too much. By the looks of it," she remarked, glancing at Junie's bruised knees. "you still do."

Offended by the truth, Junie kept her mouth shut.

What was more, her attempt at insulting Christina's performing abilities did not prove fruitful and it gave her the push she needed to prove her wrong.

So Christina had no problem 'transporting' herself to Madison Square Garden again, and getting the same rush of empowerment she'd experienced during that brief moment.

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