p.3 cherry

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Christina had no rush getting out of bed the next morning. Feeling like a drained battery, she kept her eyes closed even if unable to fall asleep again. The amount sunlight invading her room was indicative of which number the clock was ticking toward.

At some point, she couldn't ignore the guilt of being so lazy anymore. As soon as the clock hit the 12 p.m mark, Christina rose up.

The usual routine wasn't as efficient that morning, given it had all been pushed back in favor of a decent rest. After putting on some sunscreen-an indispensable part of her routine which would not be omitted by any means-she found her mother already watering the plants on the balcony.

"I thought you had died in your sleep," Diana said nonchalantly, hovering the watering can over the begonias.

Christina's tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth.

"Thanks for checking up on me."

Downstairs, a cold breakfast waited for her. Arriving to the conclusion that it was better to just wait for lunch at that point, Christina traded the grilled sandwich for a good sugar high in the shape of a lollipop heart.

Heading outside to see what her only friend was up to, Christina almost stepped on a folded newspaper. She would've definitely done so if the main header hadn't caught her attention the way it did.


Nameless girl sings happy birthday to the President in place of movie star

The lollipop left Christina's mouth, breaking off as it hit the ground.

Once the initial shock wore off, she quickly bent down to get a hold of the newspaper.

Inevitably, her eyes were first drawn to the photograph framed by the paragraphs of the article.

It was her. Unrecognizable from afar, but definitely her, standing in front of the stand with her mouth open in song. Enveloped, in her boring dress, by a spotlight that highlighted her figure like some sort of magical aura.

The tightening grip on the pages creased the newspaper and her teeth grilled without her noticing it.

Attendees to President Kennedy's 45th birthday party were met with a surprise when a young girl was seemingly thrown onto the stage to save the show from an empty act.

Apparently, Marilyn was running late to Madison Square Garden. But according to sources, she never showed up at all.

The unidentified girl ran off from the stage as soon as the song concluded. A stunned president went up with the intention to show his gratitude. However, she was nowhere to found.

Who could be this humble girl?

The singer was described to be no more than twenty, with brown hair and eyes of the same color.

Anyone with more information is welcome to let us know.

"No, no, no, no." Eyelids receding at their maximum, Christina looked like she'd just seen a ghost.

That article was just what she had feared.

But no need to panic yet. Her name wasn't even in there. This would all pass and be old news soon enough.

"Pearl! You're famous!" In the distance, but closing in on her, Leonard's excited voice was heard all throughout the street.

Christina stomped the ground. "Shut your loud trap, Leo!"

"I'm sorry, but this is just too big! My best friend is going to be a celebrity."

"Not a chance!" She quickly retorted. "Burn every newspaper you find." It was a joke, but coming from her, Leo wondered for a minute if he should actually take it seriously.

queen on her own color ♡ JFKWhere stories live. Discover now