You headed straight for Annabeth. She was wrapped in a blanket her curly hair now flat with the weight of the water.

"That," you commented, "does not look fun."

Annabeth gave you an unamused look before pulling her blanket closer. "I'll live."

"Well, usually you'd have to wait for Hermes Cabin to come around with the blow dryers," you scanned the crowd looking for the smallest hint of a bronze blow dryer. Nothing. "Because they're taking their sweet time."

Annabeth sighed.

"But luckily you're best friends with a Posiedeon kid."

Without giving her a chance to protest you lifted your hand.

You focused on the millions of minuscule water drops soaked into her clothes and with a pulling motion from your hand, they left her clothes and hair. The water drops floated around her. You tried not to lose concentration as you made a flicking motion.

The lake water formed into a ball and went back into the lake.

Annabeth gave you an impressed look. " I will never understand how you can do that. If only Percy was able too, that would've helped a lot in the Titan War."

"Yes, well, Percy has the attention span of a goldfish. It takes a lot of concentration just to move one droplet." You pointed out.

Annabeth snorted. "Do you think you could dry off the other three, without accidentally killing them?"

Three? You glanced to Annabeth's left only to see that a girl was pulled from the lake too.

You sighed. "Well—" A head of blond hair pushing through the crowd caught your attention. You gulped before turning back to Annabeth. "Absolutely! I'm going to be busy over here, so you!" You slowly started backing up towards the other three demigods. "Can deal with him."

And with that you turned around hoping he wouldn't spot you as you started drying off the others.

Annabeth looked around in confusion.

"Annabeth! Y/n!" Her head snapped in the direction of the voice, face paling as she saw an angry Will storming towards her.

"I said you could borrow my chariot not destroy it!" Will raised his voice.

You internally grimaced at his harsh tone. This was partially your fault, you had been the one to convince Will to let them borrow it. You should've been the one to apologize.

But you had to dry off the three who could've died from hypothermia at any minute. You totally would have apologized if you had the time. But sadly you don't.

"Will, I'm sorry," Annabeth sighed. "I'll get it fixed, I promise."

You turned to the three demigods and motioned for the blond one to step forward. You figured he'd be the most complacent and you were right, definitely a rule follower.

The blond one stepped forward with slight reluctance. He was still wrapped in a blanket, and you knew that would interfere with your work.

"Drop the towel, will ya?"

He froze, his eyes widening slightly, as a blush crept up his cheeks.

The two behind him froze as well looking to the blond one to see what he would do.


You stared at him. Didn't you hear me?

You sighed. "I can't dry you off with the blanket on,"

"Oh, I thought-" He cut himself off.

You raised an eyebrow. "You thought what? That I meant something entirely different? Honestly, I didn't really peg you as the dirty minded type."

Obviously, you'd been fucking with him since the beginning.

"That's not—"

You rolled your eyes, faking annoyance. This guy fun to tease.

"Just. Drop. The. Towel. Okay?"

Still confused as to how you would do that he reluctantly took the blanket off, throwing it aside.

With a quick hand motion, you did the same thing you did to Annabeth. Leaving them too stunned to speak. You move on to the girl, and finish drying her off.

"Holy shit, you're like a real life water bender!"

You turned your attention to the dark haired one. "I have absolutely no idea what that means. But it's your turn, so step up."

He looked like he was about to comment on
that, but Will walked over and interrupted him as he started sizing the three new demigods up.

"These are the ones? Way older then thirteen. Why haven't they been claimed yet?"

You were wondering that to, but it's not like anyone here would know.

"Claimed?" The dark haired one repeated.

Before you, or Annabeth could explain, Will said, "Any sign of Percy?"

You involuntarily looked to Annabeth, hope written on your face.

"No," Annabeth admitted.

The crowd; who had been listening to uour conversation immediately broke out into muttering. Everybody at camp was worried about him.

Drew stepped forward.

Oh Gods, no. Drew had been complaining lately about the camp's treatment of you. It was very annoying. Annabeth had advised you to just ignore her.

Obviously, she forgot you were a Poseidon kid. Because when it came to it, you couldn't keep your mouth shut.

A whole load of sass and a few carefully aimed words later and you seemed to earn another mortal enemy.

Drew merely glanced at the dark haired one. She then fixed her eyes of the blond one as if he was worthy of her attention.


Then she curled her lip at the girl.

You really felt bad for the Aphrodite Cabin, Drew is a nightmare.

"Well," Drew said. "I hope there worth the trouble."

As someone narrating this from years in the future, they really weren't.


Hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote.

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