Chapter 11: Assault on Atlas (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Cyborg: And how can I exactly help you?

Ironwood: I want you to deactivate the four humagears. Forever. Once they get destroyed, use your hacking skills to undo the hacking they did on Ciel and Penny.

Cyborg: What about the other four riders who are advancing?

(Cyborg then shows the four riders defeating the Atlas Soldiers.)

Ironwood: I was planning to deal with them myself, but I have some backup plan.

(Back to the four riders, they get close to the military base, and then they hear a voice.)

????: How pleased you are to kick away, Kamen Rider Demons.

(Then the four look to see an adult figure standing in the roof of the Military Base.)

????: My name is Gregory Arc... of the Arc Family.

Jeanne: (pulls out a vistamp) Yeah... guessed as much.


(Gregory them jumps off and lands on his feet. Then he pulls out a driver and places it on his waist.)


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Gregory: I heard that disgraceful son of mine joined your alliance. He couldn't be more disappointing. Wasn't faking his own scripts enough for him?

Demons: (pulls out two vistamps) He told me you've never bothered to train him, and hearing what you said, I'm not surprised as I thought I would be.



Gregory: Do you have any idea of how much he disgraced the name Arc? How he threw it in the dirt?

(Demons stamps his driver)


Demons: Even though HE was the one who saved the very one who made his life a living hell at that pathetic excuse of an academy?

(Demons stamps his driver again.)


Gregory: War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher. Its final lesson is carved deep in my psyche: That this world, and all its people, are diseased. Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture -- they are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair... All memes. All passed along.

(Demons stamps his driver with the scorpion vistamp)


Demons: How abbout "full of shit"?

(Demons stamps his driver with the scorpion vistamp again.)


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