She dreaded the work she was about to meet. She was still being taught by the royal accountant and reading every book there is about accounting but she still couldn't make sense of anything. Maya found it embarrassing.

     Maya could feel the nasty gazes those maids who listened to the rumors were giving her but she paid them no heed. Due to her unconcern it had been forced to die down significantly. Her handmaids gave her the news while they were running her bath. They seemed happy about it. Maya could care less.

      She spotted Fleurie come in her direction and slowed down but didn't stop walking. She planned to ignore her once again but when the latter deliberately went ahead to stand in her front, Maya had no choice but to regard her. She cast her withering look, gazing up and down. Today she looked reserved. It could only mean one thing. She has something up her sleeve.

      As she stared at Fleurie, she resolved within herself to ask Dexter why she was even here in the first place. She'd been nothing but trouble for Maya these past few days.

     " What is it?" She muttered, already irked.

     Immediately Fleurie bowed, surprising Maya. She raised a brow but every other expression was hidden.

     " I came to apologize. I'm sorry for spreading a rumor about you. I didn't know any better." Fleurie said, sounding remorseful.

      Maya pressed her lips together,  biting back a scoff. Narrowing her eyes, she glared at Fleurie. "Apologising?" She muttered. That was surprising.

       " Yes. It was petty of me to try and infuriate you that way. I thought you were weak and had evil intentions, judging from your background. I've only just realized that I have been making a mistake." She raised her head up then. " I hope you can forgive me."
        " Forgiveness?" Maya repeated, the word sounding incredulous even to her.

      Fleurie hesitated, casting a nervous look at Maya's cryptic gaze. " Yes. Forgiveness."

       Deep in her mind, Maya knew that the apology was fake, judging from the glint in Fleurie's eyes. Still it was first time someone had ever acknowledged that they did something wrong to her.

      " Well, thanks for the apology, if you don't mind is would like to leave now. " She took a step forward. " Excuse me." She said but Fleurie was quick to stop her, getting right in front of her.

      " If you don't mind, I would like to speak with you." Fleurie hastily said. "I just want to offer my advice."

       Advice?  What's going on here? "Make it quick." Maya snapped, eager to be away from Fleurie soon.

     " I just noticed that ever since you arrived, you've never shown you face to anyone. Other than the palace workers, no one out there really knows who you are. For someone who is trying to build a good reputation with the people, that's not the way to go. People need to know who you are."

      " What has that got to do with you?" Maya asked icily, her eyes glowering.

      " You come from a small kingdom and although you're a princess, I've never seen or heard of your m before. If the council is surprised, you can be imagine just how much the people are. No one out there, really recognizes you as queen of Madonia. Shouldn't you be working on that?"

       As much as Maya hated to admit it, the argument was a valid one. She should be doing more. Maya tried to tap down the bitter feeling rearing it's ugly head in her heart but Fleurie was still speaking.

      " Even without my rumors, people already have doubts about you. You can't hide behind the King forever." She said.  
      " This is none of your business. Why are you concerned about it?" Maya asked, a brow raised.
      " This isn't something you can dismisses for long, my lady." Fleurie said, too stubborn to bring herself to call her, Majesty. " You're still under probation by the Royal council and unfortunately it's something the king can't help you with either although he may have tried. If your reputation worsens, you will be stripped of the title and the King would have to be forced to take another partner."

       Can the laws of Madonia do that? Maya wondered. She's never been deeply versed with the laws of the kingdom yet. As if reading her thoughts, Fleurie tilted her head to the side and added. " The Royal council has the power to vote you out."

       On the outside, Maya looked calm and collected as always but the inside, there was a tremor sweeping her mind. She already knew it wouldn't be easy but she didn't expect it to be so hard either.

     " If your intentions are true. You would be doing something about by now. Or you could risk loosing your position and the King as well." Fleurie said.

        The way the last words were said caused the simmering anger she had within her to the boil to the surface and her gaze flickered. Maya knew all her intentions coated under the guise of advice. She fisted her hands together, taking in a deep breath. When she opened them, they returned back to their usual emptiness.

       " Thanks for your advice. I'll keep it in mind." She bit out, hating the aftertaste.

       Fleurie made a mock bow. " Thank you for listening. I'll take my leave now." Fleurie added before walking away, a smile on her face. Maya worked her jaw, willing herself not to overreact.

       As Fleurie walked away, a victorious feeling bubbled at the bottom of her heart. Finally! She has the last laugh! Frankly, it doesn't matter if she does anything to try and build her reputation because she'll always remain queen until the King states otherwise. But since that isn't happening anytime soon, she would have to use the council to her advantage. Luckily, she had people on her side. But Maya doesn't need to know that.

       Now she gets to watch and use this to her advantage. Oh, this will be fun!

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