thank you note

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Thank you for reading until the end of this short story! This is the first original story I have written, so I am truly grateful that you were a part of this journey with me. Now, to review a little bit of the story just in case some aspects were not clear.

Were there clues that Keith was an accomplice of the Duct Tape Murderer

1. His expression when he hears that Lara is going on a date at the Rose Pasta, because he wants to figure out if she is the potential next target that "Vella" is eyeing.

2. Keith going the wrong direction: trying not to bring her to the date after realizing that she might be the one that "Vella" has targeted

3. Keith parked the car after driving Lara to the Rose Pasta because he was trying to dissuade "Vella" from taking on Lara as the next possible victim.

Where do they kill their victims?

Apartment showrooms. It is a place that is modelled to be a realistic home, but is not actually for living-in, and just to give potential buyers an idea of what the home will look like after it has finished building.

The clue to the showroom is in the description of "Vella's" bedroom. The furniture is plain and it looks like it came out of a magazine. That is the point of apartment showrooms, because they are designed to look good in hopes that the buyer will want it.

I chose it because since it is not a place that is actually liveable, there would be no one nearby, so it meant that noise could be made (such as screaming) without alerting people living around. Because no one is living in it yet, there is less protocol or need for proper surveillance systems.

To Conclude

For the first story, I understand that there are many things that I can improve on. I hope to continue writing more as a hobby, and maybe even try writing longer pieces in the future. Do leave me any feedback or ways to improve! I am open to comments all the time.

Once again, thank you for finishing this little murder gay short story. I appreciate you! 

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