Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Seokjin's POV

Jungkook hasn't come back yet, it's already 1 am, his phone can't be reached either. I'm so worried and can't sleep when he's like this. I sat in the living room waiting for his arrival with anxious hope. And when the sound of the door I immediately got up from the sofa and looked at him. His face was very cold, there was no greeting for me, a hug or a kiss on the forehead that he usually gives, he just passed me by.

I followed him into the room.

"Hyung, what's wrong with you? Why are you like this to me? What did I do wrong?" He just kept silent, took off his tie and entered the bathroom without a sound. When I want to go to the bathroom, he locks the door which has never happened before.

"Hyung, open the door, talk to me about this, why are you like this?" I knocked on the bathroom door but nothing happened.

I sat on the bed waiting for him to come out and when he came out he just climb on the bed and turned his back on me.

"Hyung.." I held back all my questions, I decided to get on the bed and hug him from behind like he often does.

"Whatever happens, we will get through it together" I kissed his shoulder before going to sleep hugging him.

The next day I woke up and saw the room was empty, there was only me, the curtains were open and I didn't see Jungkook's bag which meant he was gone. I went out and saw breakfast on the dining table without a note. Why has he changed like this?

Day by day this house is getting quieter, no more our chattering, no more my moan. He completely ignored me. He even sleeps in the guest room or on the sofa because he gets home so late, he also doesn't touch the dinner I prepared for him and it just ends up in the trash. I rarely see him because he always leaves before I wake up and comes back when I sleep, I miss him. It's worse than the first time we got married.

Every time I call him he always says he's busy and will call me back later but in fact he doesn't call me. I just kept waiting and waiting.

Until 6 months passed.. isn't this too long to ignore me? I no longer feel the warmth of this house, instantly this house becomes cold. I also never felt his presence for me again. The change really surprised me. This is too sudden for me. The memories that we have done seem to fade over time. Am I used to all this? Of course not. My heart is so broken but I can't do anything. I was not given the opportunity to talk and ask him.

And today a letter came to my house. I opened the letter in my room while sitting on my bed. Slowly I opened the envelope and I pulled out the paper inside and how surprised I was. My hands trembled as I read the letter. My heart really broke at that time. Very devastated. I cried uncontrollably. It's a divorce papers... it's got his signature on it. He wants to divorce me? What's on his mind? Why do you need a divorce?

That night I deliberately waited for him to come home, I knew he would come home late as usual. I'm angry, I'm disappointed, my heart hurts so much every time I see that letter. He asked me to promise to live with him and now? He left me when I had convinced my life to him.

He came home.. I heard the sound of the door opening, this time I didn't wait for him in the room, I waited for him in the guest room. The place where he had been sleeping all this time. He was surprised to see me there. I just stared at him with the letter in my hand. My eyes were swollen from crying all day. I'm tired of all this silence.

"What does this mean?" I got up from the bed and approached him near the door.

"What's the point of this hyung! Since when did we talk about divorce? Since when did I agree to this kind of this bullshit!" He just kept silent.

"Answer me Jeon Jungkook! 6 months I accept your treatment of me! No more warm kisses for me, no more hugs every sleep, no more sex every night, am I no longer in your life huh? This is how you treat your husband? Like this How do you talk to me Jungkook?"

"You'll never know how I am! I'm barren! Do you know how useless a husband I am! I can make a lot of money and give you everything you want but the most important thing you ask for is a child and I can't give it to you! Do you know what it's like to be me? Divorce me, meet another man, and marry him. If you think this isn't hard for me you're wrong! It hurts me Seokjin! But do you know how devastated I would be when I heard that I was barren? You'll never know I think. Sign the papers, tomorrow my lawyer will come to collect it"

"You are a coward!" I tore up the letter in front of him.

"I will not marry anyone Jeon Jungkook! You are my husband and will forever be! I don't care if there are children in our life or not! Keep your promise! Live forever with me--"

"It's not what you think Seokjin! No more promises for me! We're still going to divorce!" When he wanted to come out, I held him.

"No!!! I don't want to divorce you! Say you love me! Say it! I don't want to divorce you!"

"ENOUGH!" The first time in my marriage, he snapped at me with his emotionless face. I let go of his hand.

"Do you want to know, we will still get divorced" He came out and left the house. Leaving me crying on the floor This marriage was perfect at first. But.. I forgot that every story must have an ending. Is this how it ends?

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