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I felt calm. It was quiet. The sun had come up and was slowly making its way into my eyes. This caused me to slowly creep open my eyes. I didn't move though, the heat from the sun was comforting to say the least. I allowed my eye to adjust to just waking up. I froze though when I felt something move by my head. I glanced to the side to see Schlatt. I was laying on his shoulder. I felt my heartrate start to quicken but I didn't dare move so as to not wake him. I could feel my face becoming warm indicating it was turning red. As much as this was embarrassing it was comforting making me not want to get up. I kept looking up at him. He had a small scratch on his nose that left a scar. His face had dirt patches on it but dont we all, couldn't really take showers. 

I looked around using my eyes and saw that everyone was still asleep. As much as I didn't want to get up my neck was starting to get really stiff, and this position was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. So, I slowly and carefully started to lift and move my head off his shoulder. Then I scooted my body away from his. He seemed like a pretty deep sleeper. It seemed fine. I stood up gradually and creeped over to my backpack and opened it up. I grabbed out a t-shirt and some jeans. I sat those to the side and grabbed a little snack, a little bag of dried bananas. I ate them while I observed my surroundings, which as far as I could see were trees. I did notice a path. I finished up my bananas and stood up grabbing my clothes. I needed to find somewhere to change these clothes that were starting to feel nasty. So, I grabbed my shotgun for protection and started my way down this path. 

It was a couple minute walk until you hit a creek. It had a tree that had fallen going across it. I looked across the creek and saw a cabin looking house. Then I knelt down and cupped some of the water and splashed it onto my face making sure not to get it in my mouth. I used the shirt I was currently wearing to whip off my face. I then took it off and grabbed my new shirt, putting it on. Then changing into my jeans. I grabbed my dirty clothes and picked them up. I looked back at the cabin across the creek. I didn't want to go there alone though just in case, so I turned to go back the path.

The walk was a little longer for me since the walk was at a slight uphill. Took a little more effort to get there. When I did get there though I saw that Tody and Alex had woken up. Toby looked over at me, his face relaxed. I guess he started to freak out when I wasn't there. I walked over to my backpack and stuffed my dirty clothes into it and zipped it up.
"Can you all wake up the other 2? I think I found something" Toby nodded and crawled over to Schlatt to start trying to wake him up.

"Don't you dare Toby" Schlatt spoke but he still had his eyes closed. I just shook my head. Then I heard Alex yell at Ted to 'get his lazy ass up'. We got Schlatt to get up and gather his shit after the longest time. Then I pointed out the path to them and started to lead them down it. Didn't take long until we got back to the creek. I pointed out the cabin that was across the creek.

We decide to go over to it using the tree log going over to the other side. Ted went first then Schlatt then Me then Toby then Alex. Alex took the longest getting across he was afraid he would fall. It was pretty funny watching him freak out. We get across and the place seemed like it had been abandoned for a while longer than the apocalypse had been around. We noticed though that there were multiple cabins. It looked like an old campground. We split up into two groups to look around and make sure the area was safe. Schlatt and I went together, and the rest of the guys went off in their own way. Me and Schlatt ended up being the ones checking out the cabin that I saw across the creek. The wood seemed to be rotted, so we were careful when walking up the stairs. They were creaking with every step we took. We slowly creaked open the door and found the floor inside the cabin was made out of cement. So, we went inside and just started to look around. 

When we were inside looking around, we noticed there were bunk beds everywhere. Most of them have mattresses and blankets. There weren't many spaces to check since most of it was just bunk beds anyway. I looked over at Schlatt and he flopped down on one of the beds and crossed his arms behind his head.
"This is more comfortable than the shit we got in the camper." I let out a small chuckle then sat down on the same bed as him by where his feet were. I laid my shotgun across my lap and let out a sigh.
"What's up with you missy?" he said, using his foot to tap my side. I look over at him and lock eyes with him. I held this gaze for a moment before looking away.
"Nothing... uh we should go check out the other cabins" I say awkwardly to change the subject. I stand up with my stuff and put on an awkward smile. 

I shuffle myself out of the cabin trying not to seem in a rush. I opened the door and felt a light breeze hit my face as I walked down the stairs. I wait for him to get off the last step then I start walking over the cabin beside the one we just checked out. There were 5 cabins that made a half circle around a large circle of rocks where a campfire would be. We went over to the next cabin and went inside. It was almost identical to the first one, the same bed's different mess. In this one it had empty beer bottles sprawled around the floor. Besides that, empty. We left that cabin and saw that Toby, Ted and Alex were at the last cabin. Me and Schlatt walked up to them as they were already at the door. I saw Ted trying to open the door but failing to do so.
"This one's locked," he sighed. I looked around the porch and this one had a doormat.
"Look under the doormat," I suggested. Ted stepped off the mat and lifted it up by the corner and what do you know. A key. He let out a small laugh.

He stands up straight and uses the key to open the door when he does though a walker bursts through the door. Ted jumps out of its way and everyone else moves away. The walker just keeps sprinting, not even acknowledging any of us. Thats until an arrow goes into the middle of its skull causing it to fall dying. I turn to look at everyone and see Toby putting down his crossbow. Everyone started staring at him though. I hear Schlatt from beside me, which I didn't know he was, speaking up.
"Nice shot" I look beside me to see Schlatt only inches away from me, but I decide to ignore it and look back at Toby.
"Thanks man" he had a grin all over his face. We all turned to the last cabin though this one was different. It was more like an office than a cabin. It only had a couple of bunk beds and had a desk at the front with a computer that looked like no one had touched it in decades.

Alex walks over to the desk and sits in the chair that was there causing him to almost fall onto the floor. When you would look around this place there were cobwebs all over the edges of the ceiling. I didn't really leave the office area of this cabin not wanting to get in everyone's way. I leaned on the entrance door frame waiting for everyone to be done. This cabin seemed bigger in size anyway, so I guess there was more to check. Alex was just messing around with the stuff on the desk. Once everyone started to comeback out to the main entrance I started to back out of the cabin. So, did everyone else. We all ended up on the porch of this cabin and started talking about who was going to go get Phil, Charlie and Tommy. Ted volunteered and Schlatt volunteered Alex to go with Ted. Alex tried to refuse but Ted had already started to walk so Alex followed. This left me, Toby and Schlatt alone together. 

I grabbed my stuff and sat it down on the ground beside the stairs. I then sat down on the stairs and leaned my head onto the side where the railing ended. Schlatt and Toby had started a conversation, so I just left them to it. I stared into the distance and started realizing how dense the woods we were surrounded by were. The wind would swirl the trees around. At that moment all I could do was sit and wait.

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