Bangtan Pack History

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BANGTAN HISTORY: document 01
Original copy #01 - to be given to anyone willing to adopt or foster all seven at their compliance:
Includes summary of all known information, has not been fact checked by the hybrids themselves.
They are currently unaware of the existence of the document.

Proceed with caution and at your own risk: once adopted will NOT be taken back. No questions asked.

At 16, Namjoon was brought back to the center and since refused to be seen by any adopters
reason: unknown.
Reported that him and Taehyung (15 at the time) became close after talking during recreation and break times.
Later him Taehyung and Jimin (15 y/o) started a pack: reason given: refusal/no interest to be adopted

Jungkook immediately joined the pack (14 y/o) when he first arrived at BIG HIT.
- only known because of gossip and the interview of Aera (PARK) before being adopted.

  Aera joined the pack officially when she was 14. Befriended pack members one year prior.

Reported Yoongi (18 y/o) started hanging around the pack and although was offered a spot refused to join. Later agreed to join reason: unknown
Yoongi was adopted in between his refusal and joining the pack. Was brought back a year later, reason listed: aggressive/dull/unfit as a pet

Hoseok, unknown history with pack before he escaped when he was 17. Caught and brought back to BIG HIT a few years later, (he was 21). Refused to be adopted and speculated he joined the pack at this time. Unknown when it officially happened.
- only known he was an official member due to Aera (PARK) interview.

Jin: only known to be a member due to the interview with Aera (PARK) before her leave. Unknown history with the pack. Had previously been seen hanging around Yoongi during Hoseoks escaped absence.

Other hybrids admitted to trying to join, but were refused. None gave a reason why they were refused.

Aera (PARK) stated she was finally officially accepted and when she chose to be adopted a year later after a rich CEO requested to adopt her, she left stating at the end of the interview she was QUOTE: "I am no longer apart of that pack, and it's their loss. Why pass up an opportunity at a perfect adoption? They're blind." END QUOTE.

Speculated she has not kept in contact with them, has only stopped by once to see them. Reason: unknown. Left after 15 minutes.

Reason: privacy/trust of the seven.

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