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Chapter twenty-six | Roslyn

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Time has passed now. I am almost three months pregnant I can't believe that in five or less months I'll have my baby with me. I am scared of the fact of me pushing a whole human out my body but I know it's worth it.

Right now we're on thanksgiving break. Riley's family invited us over and this will be my first time meeting them. Am I worried they'll judge me? Yes but it's okay. All that matter is that me and Riley are happy. I've been thinking about names but I can't spill them yet.

Right now I am team girl of course and Riley is team boy. We're playing to have the gender reveal in January since i'll be four months then. I've got the idea to have like a wintery like gender reveal since it'll be freezing cold.

Enough of that my stomach has grown humongous now. In my eyes I look like a watermelon but Riley and Madi says I look adorable or cute. Back to this thanksgiving dinner no offense to Riley but I just know this food it barley seasoned most likely it's just salt and pepper. So I kinda put some lemon pepper, slap ya mama, and onion powder in my purse just in case.

Me and Riley decided to match so for my outfit I am wearing a black shirt that's kinda tight and light blue jeans and a brown white and black flannel. For Riley he's wearing a black hoodie and his flannel that's just like mines over it with light blue jeans also, and for shoes I am wearing my uggs and I don't even know what Riley's wearing.

I finish getting ready and fix my hair into a slick back bun and put some jewelry on. I grab my purse and phone and head downstairs to Riley and Madi waiting for me.

"Sorry that it took so long." I say

"It's all fine." Madi says

"Roslyn my love you look beautiful." Riley says grabbing my hand leading me to the car

"You don't look so bad yourself Riley." I say as he opens the door for me


We're almost at his family's house. I'm kinda nervous now. His family lives in this nice neighborhood. They look like they have money. We arrived.

Riley comes to my side to help me out. I grab his hand and he start to head inside. We're greeted by his grandma she tells me she's happy that her grandson has finally found the perfect girl. His aunts and uncles give me a welcoming hug. They don't know I am pregnant yet.

I finally meet his grandpa. He's giving me the "it's a nigger" look. Great. I greet his little cousins who are just the sweetest. His cousins whos a year or two younger are so welcoming. I didn't know go to our school.

We're sitting at the table getting ready to eat.

"So Riley how long have you and Roslyn been dating." His grandmother says

"Today actually is our four month anniversary." He says

Oops forgot to mention that to y'all.

"Well I want to see y'all walk down the isle together keep her." His grandmother says

"I'm keeping her for sure." He says putting his hand over my belly

Oh shit.

"Omg is she pregnant?" His grandpa jumps up yelling

"No." I say

"Yes." Riley says

Kill me already.

"You knocked up this old rag pointing at me." His grandpa says

"You don't ever disrespect Roslyn. Just because you're life is falling apart doesn't give you the fucking right to even judge her. Isn't grandma divorcing you because your having an affair with her sister?" Riley says getting up

"Sir I don't even know you for you to judge me, this all was a mistake. We never wanted a child but it seems that God decided to bless us early." I say trying to hold back tears

"I didn't ask you. Riley Lee Oakley. Your gonna turn out just like your father with that attitude and mindset dead and worthless." His grandpa yells point at me and Riley

I get my things and walk outside. I can hear Riley, Madi his grandma and grandpa arguing. I knew this was going to happen. I wipe my tears and I hear the door open. I turn to see Riley.

"Don't worry about him." Riley says

"I know but I can't." I say sniffing

"I knew one of them was going to judge ME Riley." I say

"It's our life and our baby Roslyn." He says holding my hands

"Let's go and just sit in the living room we can order food when we get home if you'll like." He says

"Okay." I say trying to smile

I sit down on the couch talking to Riley's aunt, uncles and cousins. They're all supportive. I love them already. I don't know if I can forgive his grandfather though.



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Falling For Him ✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora