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Chapter twenty-two | Roslyn

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It's been few days since I left the hospital. I'm back at school. I have a feeling everyone is going to judge me. It's nothing new anyways. I haven't told Riley's mom yet.   

I will love my baby but, I feel like I've ruined my future of becoming a doctor. I wouldn't have been in this fucking situation if I wasn't so stupid. 

"Ms Eden what is pi?" My math teacher asks

I didn't know I zoned out to be honest.

"Pi is 3.14159265359 but we do not know where it actually ends." I say quickly

"Good job. Stay focused now." She says

"You okay baby?" Riley asks

"Shut the fuck up." I say

I think these hormones have made my attitude even worse.

"I am so sorry Riley the hormones ya know." I say smiling

Ross and Leilani headed back to Orlando last Sunday. We've been face timing everyday or texting. They've been so supportive during all of this. Hopefully we'll meet up this thanksgiving.

The day went by fast. Its already lunch I've been having really bad morning sickness. I know I'am only one month and some days but this is shit is hard. Every since the day Riley asked me to be his girlfriend I haven't heard from Gloria.

I don't know why she's been like this. I see her all the time in school but she just walks by me like I'am nothing. I really want to tell her.


I go to sit down at the lunch table with Riley. Someone knocks my tray out my hand. I look up to see Gloria.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." I say to her Riley gets up and walk over looking angry

"You fucking know why Roslyn." She says

I look at her confused.

"You know every since fucking third grade I've always liked Riley and now I find out you're pregnant." She says

"I am not." I say

"Then why did my mom tell me, huh?" She says

"That could be anyone." I say

"Right." She says

"You are a fucking whore. You should've died that night." She says pushing by me

I turn to watch her walk away. A tear fall. She doesn't mean that do she? Maybe I should've. I look up at Riley.

"I'm going to head to the house." I say

"I'll come with you." He says

"You need stay." I say 

I give him a quick kiss and head to the office to let them know I'am leaving.

I get in the car and drive off. I fucking hate this school. I turn the volume up on radio listening to Work of Art by Benson Boone. Me personally I think he doesn't get noticed a lot like Beyoncé and stuff.

"Darling you're my work of arttt." I yell at the top of my lungs I start to bang on the steering wheel then I hear a horn honk. I forgot I was at a red light.

I turn and drive into the driveway. Madi isn't home. I forgot that Riley has football practice after school. I guess I'll study for some tests. While I wait.

I know I may have a smart mouth, but failure is something I never want.  I've been working really hard to get Valedictorian. I've keep my grades all A's throughout all four years of high school. I just want to look up at the clouds and tell my grandpa I did it.

I walk up stairs and head into I guess you can say me and Riley's room. I change into sweats and Riley's hoodie. I hop on the bed and start studying.


"Roslyn, I am home." I hear Riley say wiping my cheek

"Mhm." I say

"I love you." He says

"Mhm." I say drifting off back to sleep

"I got you some Starbucks." He says

I jump out of bed quickly smiling.

"So you'll rather have Starbucks than me!" He says

"Yep." I say grabbing my cake pops and drink form him

"Thanks." I say giving him a quick kiss

"You're welcome." He says

"So how was football practice." I say

"It was alright I guess. We're in the third round of the playoffs. If we win Friday we head to the championship." He says

"You got this." I say eating my cakepop

Who ever made these deserves their ass to be at-.

But anyways I didn't even noticed I feel asleep doing my work. Hopefully I'll be Valedictorian. Fingers crossed.

please leave ideas for future chapters because I'am running out of them anyways this monkypox shit got me scared to fucking go to my mail box stay safe bitches 😙🫶🏾

***A/N please leave ideas for future chapters because I'am running out of them anyways this monkypox shit got me scared to fucking go to my mail box stay safe bitches 😙🫶🏾

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