
"We have to move."

"He could be right outside."

"He is right outside."

"Just let me take a look." Scott gets up a little just enough to look outside.



"Move now?" I ask and Scott nods.

"Move now." We go into the hallway. "This way."

"No, no, no, no." Stiles quickly stops him.


"Somewhere without windows."

"Every single room in this building has windows."

"Or somewhere with less windows."

"The locker room."

"Yeah. Okay." We make our way to the locker room. Stiles closes the door quietly as soon as we enter.

"Call your dad."

"And tell him what?"

"I don't know. Anything. Gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off."

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?"

"They have guns."

"Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?"

"Then we...we have to...we have to find a way out and just run for it."

"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile." I state.

"What about Derek's car?"

Stiles' eyes widen a little. "That could work. We go outside, get the keys off his body, ugh, and then we take his car."

"And him."

"Fine. Whatever." We walk to the door and Stiles grabs the doorknob when Scott grabs his arm, stopping him. "What?"

"I think I heard something."

"Like what?"

"Shh, quiet." We slowly start backing away from the door. "Hide." The first thing Stiles looks at is a locker and goes inside, which makes a lot of noise. "No, no, Stiles. No." Scott shakes his head and pushes me toward a locker, going inside one himself. I hear the door open as soon as I close the locker and someone walking around. They opened the locker that Scott's in and yells.

"Aah!" I get out of the locker I'm hiding in and see who it is. The janitor. "Son of a bitch!"

Stiles gets out of his to try to calm the guy down. "Quiet!"

"Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? All three of you get out."

"Just listen for half a second, okay?" Stiles asks.

"Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now." He starts to push us out of the locker room.

"God, just one second to explain."

"Just shut up and go. Ah!" The janitor gets pulled back into the room and something shuts the door. All we can hear is screaming and growling. Scott tries to open the door to help but the door is locked and Stiles just grabs both of us, shoving us down the hallway.

"No, no." We run down the hall and get to double doors. Which are blocked on the other side. Stiles keeps ramming his shoulder into the door. "What the hell?"

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