chapter 11-favourite worst nightmare

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4 years ago

It's been a year since I left uni. Since then George managed to get me a publishing deal with his dad's company. In that time I finished coffee and a crush and it became a number one bestseller. Since then I've gone on to write another book which I called the band. I'm currently sat in a coffee shop in Paris working on my third book called When boy meets girl. I'm sat there drinking my coffee when I hear a female voice shout "JOHN." I look up and see a blonde with her hair tied back in a ponytail and a pair of sunglasses waving at me. I keep looking at her for a while as she comes over to me. When she pulls up her sunglasses I realise who she is. "Penelope! Hi!" i say. I stand up and hug her. "My god, long time no see" she says. I nod my head. We all left Oxford 6 months after finishing uni. George moved to the states to help his dad out with the publishing company and Penelope went travelling for a while. I settled down in Scotland for a bit to finish my book.

She sits down and gets a latte and we sit and talk for a bit. "I read both of your books," she says. I raise my eyebrow. "Oh god. What did you think?" i ask her. I know full well what she'll think. She'll know exactly what I had in mind when I wrote certain parts of both of them. "I couldn't help but notice the similarities between your books and our childhood." she says. I chuckle. Oh shit she definitely knows. "I couldn't help but notice the similarities between Jennifer and myself." she says. I raise my eyebrow "oh how so?" I ask her. I see her mouth turn into a smile. "Well Jennifer had a red dress on for prom. She had an argument with her date for the night who wore a red suit. Then a young writer appeared from the darkness wearing a grey suit and navy blue tie. If i remeber rightly a drunk girl fucked the other girls date and the young writer broke the dates nose. Sound familiar at all?" she says. I laugh. "You forgot to mention the part where the girl in red danced with the young writer" I say. Penelope bursts out laughing "how could i forget. You were totally hopeless at dancing ''I chuckle, recalling how useless I was. "Ture but in fairness I was a tiny bit drunk. If you really wanna know. Then yeah jennifer was a version of you and yes coffee and a crush was slightly my wildest dreams about getting with you" i say. I watch as Penelope turns red. I'm not talking a slight red but a bright red. "Your turning red" I say she chuckles turning more red "wellllllllllll........ If I have to be honest with you.......... I did sorta have a crush on you when we were teenagers." We keep on talking. Then I sort of said to penelope. "Fuck it, wanna go out on a date sometime" she chuckles. I prepare for the worse. The worst she can say is no. I keep thinking to myself. "Sure it sounds like it could be fun. The only issue is I'm only in Paris for 3 more days."

3 months later

I fly into New york. My manuscript is in my bag. I arrive at my hotel and leave all my bags in the room. I then head over to George's office. I get into his office building and arrive at his door. I'm greeted by the sound of a slight moan. I knock on the door and then turn the handle. I push open the door. In front of me is a scene. Penelope is kneeling on the floor totally butt naked and George is sitting on the desk, his dick centimetres from her mouth. "Ah well..... Bad time I suppose ''I say. My eyes darted between the pair of them. I set my manuscript down on the table and leave. I hear the rustle of clothes. I step into the elevator as Penelope runs out of George's office. I watch the elevator doors close. I ride the elevator to the ground floor and walk out the office building. I carry on down the busy streets of New york. I get back to my hotel and look at my phone. I have missed calls from both George and penelope. I decided to call George first.

"Hey man" he says when I call him. "Fuck you" i say. I can hear him sigh and weigh up what he's gonna say next "listen. I'm sorry. I know you probably don't really care for my words because I was getting a blowie off your long distance girlfriend but she didn't tell me that you guys were a thing until after you walked in on us at the office today" i weigh up his words. "Well shit" I say. I hang up and prepare for a fight when my phone rings. It's anna. "Hello" I say when I decide to pick up. "Listen John, you do what you want but don't hurt my sister too much" she says. "Are you taking the piss don't hurt her too much. She's just tore out my heart. She's been lying to me for 4 months. She's been fucking George behind my fucking back. God knows what other fucking lies she's said about me and her." i snapped back at her. I hear a grunt on the other end of the phone. "She's there with you right now. Well fuck you Penelope. You said forever and all that hsit I didn't realise forever involved George's dick" I say down the phone. I hear Penelope take a deep breath but I hang up before she can say anything.

8 days ago

Penelope hasn't stopped calling me since she heard I was back in oxford. She heard I was nearby where we all used to live. She heard about how i was struggling to write a new book. She heard that me and George patched things over and thought now was a good time to rip into me again. For the last 4 years that woman has stripped me of all my confidence cus i wanted to take things slowly. I didn't want to fuck things up. I started to drink more when she started tearing into me. I quit smoking not long after i saved her from committing sucide because of a drunken fling with george. Little did I know I'd turn into a drunk to forget about every word she said to me. But since I came back to oxford she's gotten worse. I walk to the bar. I start drinking pint after pint till the bartender cuts me off. I get up and leave barely able to walk. I make it to a park and see a girl sitting on a bridge.

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