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I'm going to be working on this every once and a while as well as a huntlow story! So stay readin for both!!

Kiibos pov:

It was nice to see Kokichi again, I missed him alot! Thinking about it, maybe I should give a lil back story so that makes more sense.

Back during the game, when Koki was still alive and not 'dead', me and him were close! Though he'd never let anyone else see that, he always thought of it as weakness to get close to someone and show that, but in private, me and him were as close as could be! If I'm honest, I think we were, or at least I was, in love! We'd never say it ofc but thinking of it now, there were a lot of signs. Shuichi doesn't know this, but I told him after the game that we were close and nothing more.

Enough of that though!! Me and Shu are close now! Kinda in the same way, but at the same time, see Kokichi again and letting him stay, I think I might love them both.. That could be a problem. But hey! Neither of them could like me like that, I'm just a robot after all! Why would they feel even slightly the same?

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Koki to get out of the shower while shuichi was watching the TV next to me. It seemed tense since Kokichi got here, I wonder why.

"Hey Shu?" I started as I turned to Shuichi.

"Yes Kiibo?" He responded softly as he turned to look at me too. He sounded upset.

"Are you okay? You've been acting a little off since ouma-kun got here!" I questioned him, I didn't mean it to sound so blunt though.

"O-Oh! Uhm, yes I'm fine, just a little shocked, ya know? He was dead! We saw his body! But now he's here, in our apartment! Alive!" He started to ramble, kinda hugging one of the couch pillows.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay! At least he's here, right? If he's alive, then some of the others might be too?" I tried to calm him down, hugging him tight.

"Yeah.. Maybe.?" He mumbled quietly as he hugged back.

Shortly after that, Kokichi came out of the bathroom, changed into a pair of my PJs that he most definitely stole without asking. He walked over and sat down with us, leaning against Shu in a playful way.

"Heyyy are you having a pity party? About what? The coolest person from the game is right here ya know!" He said in a strange tone, almost sorry but more mocking-ish way.

"I'm fine! There is no pity party, will you get off of me?" Shu retorted back, pushing Kokichi off as he sat up straight.

I moved slightly out of his way as he got up and made his way to the bedroom, shutting the door, with a small thud, he had bellyflopped onto the bed. I don't think he was as okay as he claimed to be. Koki realized that too.

He had gotten up and went to the bedroom after Shu, leaving the door cracked but they spoke quietly, I couldn't make out what they were saying. But soon they were both back, and Koki sat on one side of me while Shu sat on the other before they both hugged me, staring blades at the other, but these blades seemed fake and playful. I would have cared to figure out more if I couldn't feel my face turning bright red, causing me to freeze up in confusion. Was this some new game??

Maybe they weren't on good terms, but I think they were not so bad ones either.

°*Hey broskis!! Wolfy here, so, alot has happened irl and so I have a few notes to leave before I might disappear again. I'm not huge on the ship Saiibo anymore BUT this doesn't change the fic too much, instead, it shall be a Saiibouma fic!! Romantic Saiibo and Kiibouma but I think of Kokichi and Shuichi more as brothers so their going to be a queerplatonic relationship instead!! Playfully trying to win kiibos love!! No bad will of course, I can't write angst even if I tried!

{Nov 22, 6:12pm, 725 words}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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