°•A walk through the park•°

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°•GUESS WHOS BACK! *insert funny joke here*. Oh and just a heads up, this chapter will be longer and the chapter after this will probably have a trigger warning on it, or that's the plan. Also, I'm planning on making a new story sometime soon for either CampCamp or HTF so if anyone is interested then go read those when their out anywho! On with the story!!•°

°•*Kiibos POV*•°

After I had give Shuichi the chocolate I decided to quickly go to my bedroom and clean up a bit, I forgot to clean before meeting up with Shu so I thought I would do that now while he finished those cool drawings of his! The bed was unmade with a pillow even on the floor and there was a bit of trash scattered around. There was also a bit of clothes around too, I really let this get out of hand!

After a while of cleaning up I was finally done and I went back to where I had last left Shuichi, he was still drawing a bit. It looked like he was just finishing up. I went up behind him and surprised him with a hug.

He spun around and calmed down when he realized it was just me. Though just then a thought came to me.

"Hey Shu! We should head back to the park while it's still sunny!" I chirped with I bit of a hop in my step when I released for the hug.

"Hmm, Sure. Why not, it could be fun." He replied with a warm smile and a tint of softness to his voice. I will admit, the soft tone made me feel heat rise to my face. But before I even let him realize I was red, I took him by the hand and pulled him up from his seat and out the door.

We ended up walking to the park. We talked about many things such as if the others were out there somewhere or if I might still have my robotic gun like arm, I could have been rebuild with it! I wondered if the blackeneds and victims were out there. They might be, we don't actually know if they died or if they were brought back to the real world when they were killed. Did they get there old personalities back or did they keep the ones from the game like us?

Long before we knew it, we had made it to the park. It wasn't the biggest park. Having only a few trees that over shadowed the pathway through the park and a small playground off a bit towards the middle of the park. It was peaceful here with not may people as it was nearing the end of the sun's turn in the sky.

Soon we saw something surprising.

°•CLIFF HANGER YAYYY, {May 15, 10:41pm, 480 words}•°

robotic love? {Saiibo} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora