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Takes place before Acotar.

Tw:mentioned abuse

Lucien Pov.

A ball. A beautiful ball that makes all my fears vanish for a few hours. My brothers and my father have to leave me alone at this events, even my mother can enjoy a little peace on this rare occasions. And all of this together makes it almost perfect.

Almost because my fears never really go away? Yes, but that's not what I mean right now. The little bit that's missing for me to make this a perfect ball is a kinda special someone. Someone who normally doesn't let any opportunity slip at which he could show himself off.

The highlord of the Nightcourt - Rhysand, the one person that makes these evenings really perfect for me.

I've had a crush on him since the first time I saw him, a moment that's so vivid in my memories as if it was yesterday, and yet, if feels as if I'd already seen him hundreds of times.

It was my sixteenth birthday, I was waiting to walk into the huge hall and stand by my father's side so he could introduce me properly.

As I walked in I was super nervous, but my father made clear what would happen if I messed this one up. The first time where I met the highlords. Everyone who was important in Prythian was here just to see the new possible heir of the Autumncourt - me.

So I stood there, avoiding to make eyecontact with anyone but still trying to take them in. My father hold his speech, but I was barely listening, only focusing on not messing up. Chin high. Straight posture. No fear. No. Mistakes. Never.

But something felt different, consuming my attention. And that was it. The moment in which I laid my eyes on the most handsome male I had ever seen. His purple eyes were looking straight at me, almost as if they wanted to pierce through my skin. His black hair seemed to absorb the light, darker than everything else in this room. He was mustering me, but then his eyes traveled upwards and he looked straight into mine. His plumb lips turned up in a smirk. There was no chance I could focus on anything else, no chance I could ever look at anything else. This male had my whole attention, my whole mind, just by being there and looking at me like that with those magnificent eyes.

Suddenly something besides me moved and my father stood up, pulling me out of that trance. That was my sign to mix in with the crowd, maybe meet someone important and make contacts. So I wandered off to the people, not caring where I went as I still worked on figuring the situation out.

My feet carried me to the buffet where I downed a glass of wine in one gulp. The drink warmed my insides, already making my mind a bit fuzzy. A few moments later I stood outside on the balcony. Nobody else was there and the cold air hitting my hot skin helped to clear my mind. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I combed my hands through my hair.

"Little Lucien, what are you doing out here all on your own?", a deep rumbling voice came from behind me. Instantly a shiver went up my spine. An alluring scent started spreading around me, like salt and citrus. I took a deep breath before I turned around.

Acotar One-Shots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz