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TW:smut, kinky

Azriel Pov.

Somebody safe me!

Normally I'm no one to whine like a little child, I mean I'm not Cassian, but it's really getting on my nerves right now. How am I supposed to sleep like this?!

The girls went on a little shopping trip to the continent and Ryhs can't control himself the slightest bit. Feyre left three days ago and he's already as desperate as an 18 year old illyrian. How do they manage do get their work done if they always act like that?!

Anyways, besides all this questions I'm coming back to the main point - Ryhs is only one room away and I can hear everything even without asking the shadows! It's a disaster! If he goes on like this he will destroy the whole house!

Suddenly I hear Feyre's voice...



What is going on with Ryhs?

Desperate illyrian prick controlled by his hormones, nothing more. No need to worry , alright maybe a bit worry, his powers are getting slightly out of hand because of his lack of concentration, but she didn't need to know that. They deserved that trip so I'm not gonna ruin it.

You sure? I can feel him trough the bond, he seems really desperate...

I'm sure he'll be able to pull himself together. He wouldn't want you to stop your vacation.

I wasn't talking about coming back....I wanted to know could maybe help him?


Now I was completely awake again. Feyre was basically asking me to please Ryhs - her mate, my brother, my high lord! I mean, yeah he is hot and it's not like we never did something like this before, but we were young and Cassian was also involved - besides, it wasn't my idea.

Ehm, I don't know if that's a good idea...

Maybe you could ask Cassian if you guys could do this for Ryhs? I don't have much time, cause the girls and I wanted to go to a special party here and we would have to leave now, so....please?

But...ahh...fine, I hope you'll safe us if Ryhs decides to kill us for this idea!

Thanks, you guys are the best! And I already informed him that I would get someone to take care of him, worries! And feel free to do as you please, Ryhs is a kinky bastard and he really needs a payback for this shit.
See you!

And with that her voice was gone again...great! Why did I have to end up in this situation!?

So I got out of bed and quietly made my way to Cass' room. He didn't notice as I entered, cause he was pushing a pillow over his head. Yeah, our dear high Lord was very well noticeable from this room too.


He shrieked up, looking in my direction, trying to make out were I was standing. In the soft moonlight he could only see small bits of my frame.

"Az? By the cauldron! What are you doing here?", and with that I explained to him what Feyre told me.

"Well, it's an order from our high lady and it's not like it could get any worse. So let's go and help our dear Ryhsie.", that's his only reaction?

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