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TW:smut, kinky

Azriel Pov.

"What do you mean I'm staying at you're chambers? I'm here to help take you're father down not to play roomie for you dipshit!"

"I'd also much rather have you in a different room, but you would get caught everywhere else in this court!"

"I am the spymaster of the Night Court, the mighty shadowsinger! I don't get caught!"

"Beron is different, there isn't a safe place here and if we're supposed to work together that's the best way to do so!"

I just kept staring at him, my arms crossed over my chest, my jaw clenched and my siphons shining.

"Fine", I grumbled after two minutes of a staring contest.

"Finally", Eris huffed out, rolling his eyes.

"Don't go to far, I can still leave", I snapped at him.

"You wouldn't, cause you got you're orders from you're high lord and lady and you know how important this is"

Right, but I didn't have to tell him that. So I just rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"How are we gonna get in? Cause if you didn't notice:We are standing somewhere in the forest, in the middle of the night, because we are supposed to take down Beron so you can become high lord and the only part of you're 'great' plan is, that I will be staying at you're room. I'm deeply impressed by your great planning skills."

"I know all of that, besides I just haven't told you the rest yet. And the best way to get in would be climbing, it's dark so nobody will notice.", Eris snapped back.

"We will climb?", I snorted at that, "Yeah, much fun climbing, I'll fly, cause if nobody will see us climbing, nobody will notice me flying too."

"You don't even know the way you idiot!"

"Then you should learn how to fly really fast. My wings aren't made for climbing trough small gapes between trees and stuff", I deadpanned.

"Then you'd have to carry me", at my raised eyebrow he started explaining, "well, I can't fly and you don't know the way, so we have to go together, otherwise it's not safe."



"I said: fine"

"I heard that. Fine what?"

"I'll carry you."


"Are you scared?"

"You're just agreeing so you can drop me!"

I face palmed at that, shaking my head, "I won't drop you"

"Oh, really?! What makes you think I'd trust you?", he was skeptical and seemed to be ready to jump towards the next tree and hold onto it for dear life.

"You'll have to believe me", I shrugged.

"There's the problem, I don't believe you!"

"Eris by the cauldron! I promise I won't drop you!"

Another two minute staring-contest, then, "Fine, but if you do, I'll hunt you as a ghost till the end of time"

"I'm honored you would choose me over paradise, wait in you're case probably hell", he grumbled at that and I internally smirked, I got a normally so smooth and composed man really riled up.

I got a bit closer to him, put one hand on his back, hooked my other arm under his knees and picked him up.

"Ahh", with a little sqeak he pressed himself against me and slung his arms around my neck.

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