New Experiment(but still a chapter)

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Soo...I want to dedicate this chapter to someone, to one of my closest friends to be exact. Her birthday was on the 15.11 and she turned 16 so it's like a late birthday present.
I'll sum "our" story up for y'all:
She gave me ACOTAR to read which is obviously great and she's a huge fan herself which obviously makes her even greater than she already is.
For the story of my two new characters, who you'll meet later, she's important too, cause she helped to invent them (with some other friends).

Dear UnicornFRACAM15, here's your late birthday gift. Thanks for all the support and I really hope you'll like it!
Nika <3


Os info:

I was in the mood for another experiment. So this chapter will contain two made up characters in the Acotar-Universe.

This takes place long after the war so everything is technically fine.

The first character is a young healer at the dawn court. He is freshly an adult(no clue what age that is for fae) with huge talent. He's half human and he is a bit insecure about it, but due to his talent and understanding for different species he is working in the palast to take care of Thesan's guards(with the wings yk). His name is Adrian(I know the name doesn't fit in well, so we'll act as if it was just adapted from the humans).

The second one is an Illyrian. His name is Levi(again pls just go with it) and he is around a year older than Adrian. He's new in his job as a soldier. Before he took place in the bloodrite and even reached the Ramiel which isn't doing any good for his already too big ego.

You can see inspo pictures of these two up in the chapter description!

Much fun with finding out the actual story!


Adrian Pov.

I was just working on some papers, ordering more herbs and other stuff. Suddenly fast steps and screaming can be heard from the outside.


Then my door bursts open.

"Adrian!", my best friend Philo is standing in the doorway. He is part of the royal guard and he should be at the training right now. That's what let's me wonder what he's doing here.

"Philo, what-"

"We were at training, some of the Illyrians were there too, cause we were supposed to train together. One of them did really well at the bloodrite, so he was fighting against the general. Someone else interrupted them, the Illyrian got distracted and his wing got injured. The other healers aren't available or don't have knowledge about wings. Can you do something? Cause you know about peregrines and yeah, wings are wings?", he rambled.

"Illyrian wings are completely different, which you should have noticed because you have wings yourself, but I can try.", I answered, standing up and grabbing my bag.

"Where is he?", I asked after putting my notebook and other stuff into it.

"In the hospital wing, I'll show you the room, come on!", he said, sprinting out the door. I follow right after. Together we sprint down the corridor, after a few minutes with this pace Philo is getting slower.

"Come on! Or who of us is training every day?", I tease him.

"I'm carrying armor and weapons and muscles. I'm not a stick on noodle legs encased in loose clothing.", he breathed out, trying to keep up with me. But not gonna lie, he has a point. I'm 1,90 meters tall and I go running everyday, so I look a bit like a walking stick with my brown hair and defined but thin limbs.

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