Cheers, To Following Our Dreams - 22/11/2020

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I'm up this night, studying and intensely learning.

What brings me here however is that this period last year, I submitted my resignation letter to the HR desk of a multinational finance company and decided to follow my heart.

Thanks to Attitude Development International for the privilege of family and growth.

It's almost a year. November 19 and December 3rd will forever be memorable dates to me.

I'm grateful for the journey and everything that's led me to this point.

There are sad stories and memorable smiles. Hurtful tales and helpful ones.

Do I call this path divine? Do I say I chose it? Whether I chose this path, or it chose me, what counts is that I'm here in it.

It's been a huge big ride.

I'm super glad I took the jump. We never know what lies beneath the waters till we take the plunge.

Here's to following dreams despite our fears...


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