Oneness - 20/10/2020

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There's this oneness with everything.

Language stands tall and yet is dwarfed when it tries to describe this state.

The way these truths hit home, and cause a stirring in the heart. And it feels like it's an overdose. Like air's been let into the balloon and it's at its burst point, and more are still being blown into it.

Like this mortal mind can't contain the essence of these truths and remain sane. Let's leave the definition of sane and insane for another day.

There's this deep acceptance of these ancient trickles. The mind can't explain it. Words can't define it. Languages can't express it. A thousand books can't contain it. It's beyond learning. It's beyond teaching.

And when I sit to inquire, what's the path? I'm left clueless because I hear, "it's Everywhere and Nowhere." And I seem to further ask, "Where's everywhere? Where's nowhere?" The answer sits deeply in my heart. How can I express this understanding?

It's Everywhere. It's Nowhere.


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