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As a counsellor, it gets clearer to me.

Now I understand that I might never really understand when people say "you can't understand."

Never fight that statement when it comes, cos the truth is you may never really understand.

Thousands of miles have been walked, in blood, sweat, tears, and laughter.

You're meeting a stranger at the bus stop.

The best you can get of their journeys are the stories they tell you. You know nothing of their untold stories.

The best you can give is Unconditional Acceptance, for they've weathered storms to become the strong oaks they now are, storms you'll never get to see.

I might never get to understand your journey, but I care enough to hold hands with you while we sit at the park bench, and just listen to the wind sing songs of solace and rest.

I'm still your companion in life's journey, your Professional Counsellor and Existential Therapist.

Dr. Fluid.


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