Chapter 1

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It was the morning of the reaping. Normally, at this time in the morning, you could hear people whistling, calling out to each other. But today, there was silence. The occasional distraught sobbing of a small, underfed baby. But quiet reigned over District 7 as I quickly got up, dressed in the usual brown tunic, and went outside to fetch some water for breakfast.
Even when there was barely anyone awake, you could feel how different the atmosphere was. There was tension in the air and for a reason. No one wanted their child to be chosen to be shipped off to the Capitol, betted on and fight to the death in an unknown arena. And no one wanted to be that child.

As I came to the river, I met my friend Violet, sitting on the bank, watching the waterfall. She smiled when she saw me. I sat down next to her. "Happy Hunger Games," I joked, "and may the odds be ever in your favour" she joined in. It was a joke of course. The affected accent of the Capitol was strange and it put a light air on the horror that would soon come. Of course, we could never say anything actively rude or rebellious about the Capitol or we would be put in prison, punished or even executed. So we talked about then normal things, how she was feeling, whether she was scared and vice versa for me. After a while, she laid her head on my shoulder and dragged my arm around her. Then she turned to face me and leaned in close saying "I really like you Dan. You're my best friend." I realised what was happening. My brother had told me that she liked me but I had thought nothing of it. We were friends and I didn't think she would let something like that come between us. Well I guess I thought wrong. I shrugged her off and said I had to go back for breakfast. As I was walking I thought to myself. Didn't she know I was gay? I had told her a while back and she had accepted that so why was she acting like this now? I had no feelings towards her and I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

When I came back from the river, the household was already awake. My mother was using what little resources she had to make a less than substantial breakfast, my brother was outside finishing off the table he'd been carving, illegally of course. Almost
everyone in District 7 knew about Damian's woodwork skills. It was normal for the men to be good at carving, but no one was as good as him. That's why everyone who could afford anything, mostly peacekeepers, bought handcrafted tables, chairs, stools, ornaments anything from him. But it was illegal. Whatever wood was chopped down and collected must never be for personal use. It was for the capital and district 8 only unless they were using it for fires or could afford it.

My dad was in the kitchen, polishing boots so we could all look smart for the reaping. The reaping. I was terrified. I was 17 so my name had been in the bowl 5 times already. I'm not allowed to sign up for tesserae said my brother. That was his job. It was Damian's last year of the hunger games and his name was in 30 times at least. By now, we had all had lost count. We needed the tesserae but my parents weren't prepared to let me take it.

"Breakfast" whispered my mother. But everyone heard it. You got used to the quiet. The broken voices. The hardship.
Everyone sat down at the table. Despite my brothers skills, it still leaned slightly to the left. Nothing could be perfect here. Anything at all nice, pretty the Capitol would snatch it away. We could barely have anything but essentials. We ate in silence until my dad spoke up,
"So, Dan, how are you feeling
"Mm" I shrugged. I wasn't really one for sharing my feelings.
"I'm just glad it's my last," said my brother, "Its horrible just waiting for someone's name to be called out. Not as bad as yours being called of course but still"
Damian knew almost everyone in the district due to his 'trade'. The children loved him and the adults were always happy to see him.
When they'd finished breakfast, my mother started clearing away plates. There was never any left over food. You ate what you were given in District 7. It was the same in most districts. It was only the career districts, the wealthy ones where you could afford to be choosy. Then, everyone went and changed into their smart clothes and newly polished boots and looked outside, waiting to see when we would be called to go into the square for the reaping.

So this is only the first chapter and it's not great but I'd really appreciate it if you could vote/comment thanks

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