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You and Diane are coming up to an island. This island is for the worst of the worst prisoners. So much evil. Enough to unlock your inner ghost rider. The one that is begging to get out. But your will power may be stronger than your think. Holding him back is gonna be a rough road to take. Still don't know how to reverse the mistake you made that fateful day.

You and Diane pull up to shore and find a way in. She went through the vents and you went through the sewers.

You: Ok so what are our entry points?

Diane: There's one in the air ducks and one under water that leads to the sewage pipes. Their both big enough to fit a human.

You two look at each other.

You: No. I'm not doing that.

Diane: I call dibs on the vents

You: Fuck. Ok. Let's do this. Meet out here in 30 minutes sharp.

Diane: Got it. Alright let's go.

You find an opening after timing the sewage drop outs. After that you hurry inside and runs as fast as you can. You make it to one of the cells that the pipe is connected to.

You: Diane. Made it. Surprisingly.

Diane: Ok I'm almost there. We got 25 minutes left on the clock. Find the security control system.

You: Got it.

You hack your way out the cell and get into the mainframe of the system. Map out the place. And find the light circuits. Show down the power for the entrance and open the main door manually. Pull Diane's boat around the shores and get pass the guards by knocking them out before they realize it.

Diane: How's it lookin shadow?

You: All good here paw. The doors are open for business. We're getting outta here.

Diane: Alright. Let's get them and get outta here. Come to the cell gates and meet me there in 3 minutes. I'm almost there.

You: Heard. On my way.

Your running towards Diane to help her. Then you feel the presence of evil near you.

You: Nonono not now. Not here.

Diane: What. what's going on? You ok?

You: Get them out of here. I can't stay here. He's trying to get out?

Diane: Uh oh. Ok let me know when your clear.


Diane: (y/n)!!!

Your turning into the true ghost rider. The side not controlled by rage.

Voice in your head: TIME TO SERVE VENGEANCE!!!

You: NOOOOO!!!!!

Your turning into the ghost rider. Everything is burning entail your a full skeleton. The guards watching this are afraid. And start running.

Your standing there looking for the unfortunate soul about to receive his penance.

You start walking into the cells. There's a prison riot right now. Guards and inmates running everywhere. Until they see you. Then Diane and the bad guys. Staring in the distance. They have surrounded them. The guards outnumber your friends and your sister.

All you do is roar. Let out a big scary soul trembling roar. And everyone backs up from you. Making a pathway for you. You walk pass them and see snake shaking. He thinks he's being judged. But no. You walk right past him. He lets out a big sigh of relief. You look back and he shoots up still as a statue.

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